When you are a big girl there is one thing that always seems to happens…you get back fat when you wear your bra. It’s sad but true and there have been times when there was nothing much I could do about it. It’s not just when you are heavy either sometimes that hateful bra just…
Getting Ready for National Coffee Day
Did you know that Thursday, September 29th is National Coffee Day? I had no idea that coffee had its own day not that it should surprise me any. I wanted to let you all know that JCPenney is all about helping you Raise a Cup in Anticipation for National Coffee Day! Check out some the…
The Ever After Box
As you all know I love to read and what could be better for an avid reader than a subscription box with books inside. Nothing that is what but what I love about the Ever After Box is that it is so much more than just books. They were wonderful enough to send me a…
First Day of Fall
It is finally here! The first day of fall not that it is feeling very fall like around here. It is still like 90 degrees and hot as sin but I know that in a few weeks, Lord willing, it will start to cool off. I can’t wait!
My Top 10 Favorites at Twirl Dress Boutique
I don’t often tell you my favorites at a particular shop because they change often. However I spent a little time over at Twirl Dress Boutique and I must say that there were so many things that I loved I just knew that I needed to share some of my favorites with you. They have…
Monday Morning Coffee Break 9/19/16
I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are…
Cutting Electricity Costs
I don’t know about y’all but my electricity costs go up so much in the summer. I do know that my electric company raises their rates during the summer months. I am assuming they all do. I know that mine dos because it is an EMC and they send out a little newsletter thingy that…
UnBe-Leaf-Able September To Remember Giveaway Hop
I am so excited to be a part of another amazing giveaway hop brought to you all by the amazing bloggers over at The Mommy Island and The Kids Did It. They always have such amazing fun for us all. When I was thinking about what I wanted to give away this time I knew…
Ready for Fall
It used to be that September signified fall but it seems like more and more it stays hotter longer. I am so ready for the weather to cool down that it is not even a little bit funny. It has been so hot here in the last few weeks that going outside has been difficult….
Home Staging is Important
If you go to sell your home the one thing that you need to consider doing is staging it. I am considering selling my home next year and simply packing the kids up and moving. If you have followed me for a while then you know this is something I have been thinking about off…