Yep you read that title right! We love to play Bingo here at my house and I am pretty sure the reason behind that enjoyment stems from my childhood. There was simply nothing better than being able to shout BINGO! Did you ever play when you were growing up? I remember playing it at church…
Fitness Influence
Have you ever thought about those who influence your fitness? I am honest enough to say that I really don’t influence any of my friends to be fit, at least I don’t think that I do. I hope that I give the enough inspiration but that is really all I can do. I am working…
Summer Learning with Brain Chase
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written in partnership with Brain Chase and The Motherhood. Summer is fast approaching and that usually means the kids running around wondering what they are going to do all day. Since we homeschool I try to do educational things but lets be honest, the last thing they want is…
LA BIBLIA en Telemundo
You read that right! LA BIBLIA will be on Telemundo on March 25th and in Spanish!! It is true and if you have not yet had the chance to see LA BIBLIA (The Bible) then I am telling you that you are missing out an amazing mini-series. I actually saw it when it aired last year…
Benefits of Music Education for Children
Did you know that children who are encouraged to learn a musical skill grow up to be superheroes? Well, no not really, but musical children do have a higher chance of growing up to be more confident, happier and more attentive. And, as parents and caregivers, that is all we really want for our kids.
What’s in a Wallet?
That, of course, is the question. If you are like me then you wallet contains shopper cards from various stores, the essentials (driver’s license, bankcard, etc), maybe a couple of credit cards, photos, and your check register. Yes I know that few people actually write checks nowadays but I still use a check register for…
My Peak Challenge Weekend
As you all know last weekend was the My Peak Challenge Weekend and I had the best time ever! There just aren’t words to explain the amount of fun or beauty that the weekend held. This entire trip has been a bit overwhelming for me and has shown me a side of myself that I…
The Mother’s Secret of a Happy Life
The Mother’s Secret of a Happy Life is a book that is out of my normal romance or food range that I seem to be settled into lately and to be honest when I came across it over at NetGalley I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read but something kept pulling me back…
Meatless All Day: Recipes for Inspired Vegetarian Meals
Another food book! This one is actually about the food and not a trick! I check out the food related books over at NetGalley everyday just to see if there is one or two that will peak my interest. Meatless All Day did because even though I am not a vegetarian I do typically…
Food, Eating and Identity in Early Medieval England
FOOD!! I love food books, cookbooks, pretty much any book that even mentions food (just kidding!) When I came across Food, Eating and Identity in Early Medieval England over at NetGalley I was intrigued by it and thought it would be a good fit for me. I love learning about different things and the Middles…