Another week, another great word! This week’s word is: anteriormente ahn-teh-ree-ohr-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means previously. I am going to be hoenst and say I have used this particular word in a lot of agruments.
Winter Prep Tips for Your Outdoor Living Space
Summer always comes and goes far too quickly, but you know what season seems to fly by even faster? Autumn! One day you are enjoying a cool evening on the patio and the next there is a frost advisory or unexpected flurries. Getting your outdoor space ready for winter is a big project, but you…
Growing Older
Tomorrow is my birthday and while I would normally be taking the day (at least) off I will in fact be working. It is funny how when you are growing older that birthdays don’t have the same meaning they did when you were a child. I remember how much I used to love my birthdays…
Our SIMPLE Service Project
Disclosure: I participate in this program on behalf of Champions for Kids and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. You all know how much we love to donate and help other people. That is one of the biggest things that I hope I have managed to give to my children, a sense of giving…
Ladies Night Out with Reija Eden
Disclosure: This is part of a campaign with Crossroads Media Hub and Reija Eden Jewelry. I received a piece to jewelry in exchange for my review however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I told you last week about Reija Eden (you can read that post here) and how I was putting together an outfit to…
Nap Time with Berkshire Blankets
If you have small children one thing you will inevitably go through is nap time whether it is at home or school. The one thing I always hated was watching my brothers and sister send my nieces and nephews off to school with their towel. I never understood why they used a towel for nap…
Dolphin Tale 2 Educator’s Guide
You all know how much we are waiting to go see Dolphin Tale 2 and there is actually an Educator’s Guide by the National Wildlife Foundation that you can download and use. It is meant to be used with the film and will help you explore the movie’s themes. It is designed for ages 3-5 however younger…
FutureFood2050 Still Has Lots of Information!
I having been telling you FutureFood2050 which is a multi-year program that highlights the people and stories leading the efforts for a healthier, safer and better nourished planet that’s needed to feed 9 billion+ people by 2050. They have interviews which are very interesting with leaders in food and science and next year they are coming out with…
Building Our Boxtroll #TheBoxtrolls #BuildABoxtrollSweeps
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with SocialMoms and Focus Features. However all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I told you not too long ago about The Boxtrolls movie and the awesome sweepstakes that they have going on right now. I also told you that we would be working on making…
Jingit Lets You Earn Cash While You Shop
Disclosure: This is a sponsored giveaway with Mums the Word Network and Jingit. All opinions are my own. Have you heard of Jingit? It is an app where you can earn money at various retailers just for purchasing everyday items. Getting started with Jingit was pretty easy all I needed was my email address, a…