In Menu Monday we usually tell you what it is that we have planned on our menu for the week. It is part of a link up with Crossroads Media Hub and one that we all really like. However I haven’t been doing it in the last couple of weeks because I honestly never know…
On Bended Knee
That is a position that I have not really been in, well in more weeks than I can tell you. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to pray or talk with God it was just that I found it easier to get through the day without having prayers unanswered without feeling the way I…
Spanish Word of the Week: To Beat
This week’s word is latir lah-teer’ (verb) which means to beat as in your heart. I actually really like this word but I have no idea why. Here are a couple of examples:
Thanks and Prayer Requests {7/13/14}
Another week down and it is that time again. This week I have mostly thanks! Thanks for all the little things, like the patience that I had to learnt o have more this week when everything seemed to be going wrong. I spent hours trying to get something right and then gave frustrated. The next…
Dazzle with Cate and Chloe
I love jewelry subscription boxes and by far my favorite one is Cate and Chloe. The jewelry is just so elegant and not cheap looking. It actually looks like something I would buy do myself. I mean let’s face it what chica wouldn’t want to receive jewelry every month?
Fantasy Friday: Bertram’s Hotel
Okay today’s choice is not actually a real place however it is believed that it was based on one of two hotels in London. I am a huge Agatha Christie fan and this one of my favorite movies is At Bertram’s Hotel. Miss Marple visits there and of course there is a murder or two.
A Stylish Boost With Luv Chicken
If you have kids there is going to be a time at some point or another that you are going to need a booster. If you are like me there may be times when you need for yourself! I can’t seem to show up in my webcam because I am too short so I have…
Jumping Hay Bales
When I was a child and we visited my grandparents my siblings, cousins, and I always spent time in the fields jumping hay bales. It was a silly thing to do but for whatever reason we enjoyed it. We never thought about the fact that could be snakes there or even rats as both of…
Wordless Wednesday {7/9/14}
Wordless Wednesday {7/9/14}