It is super hot here in the South and there are few ways to beat the heat. I spent some time over the weekend out in the yard getting things looking decent and when I was done I knew I wanted something cool and adult! I knew that would be the best time to try…
Baby Registry with BabyList
When you have a baby there is so much to get done but one of the first things you do is register so that family and friends will know what gifts to buy for your little bundle of joy. Now you can go to the store or do it on your favorite store’s website. However…
Spanish Word of the Week: Wise
This week’s word is: sabio sah’-byoh (adjective) which means wise. Which is what I tell my brother I am often! Here it is in a few examples:
Weekly Thanks and Prayers {7/6/14}
Well another week has flown by and there is so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that I have been able to move forward some more and while there have been some confusing moments I know what I want and what I will accept for myself now. Maybe that was the purpose behind…
When Sorry Isn’t Enough
Recently my estranged husband told me sorry. There of course was more said but the fact that he said sorry for anything is a miracle. The problem is that saying sorry just isn’t enough. Sorry doesn’t begin to cover the hurt, the pain, the embarrassment, the shame, and a host of other emotions I have…
Fantasy Friday: Vienna
There are so many places that I want to visit that choosing just one each week is not an easy task. This week I had to really think it over and I decided that I would love to go to Vienna, Austria!
Beyond The Margarita, Delicious Mexican Alcoholic Beverages
To be sure, the margarita has its place in the hearts and stomachs of the world. It’s a classically delicious adult beverage that can be prepared and enjoyed in a number of ways. However, the margarita is not the only Mexican alcoholic beverage. If you’re in the mood to try something new with a Latin…
RIO 2 Summer Party Tour Will Be at the Mall of GA
Guess what? The RIO 2 Summer Party Tour will be at the Mall of GA on Saturday July 5th! There will lots of things for you and your family to do such as interactive activities for all ages including portable viewing stations to watch soccer games, live from Rio; screenings of RIO 2; Samba performances and…
Celebrate the 4th of July With Bomb Pop
Tomorrow we will all be celebrating the 4th of July and thanks to Bomb Pop we will have some cool treats! June the 26th was actually National Bomb Pop Day which I didn’t know but why shouldn’t they get their own day. After all they were a huge park of my childhood.
Googaro Subscription Box
There are a lot of subscription boxes out there and I have had the pleasure of testing out a few. The boxes for kids are some of my favorite ones because they offer so much. Googaro is one of my all time favorites that I have tried I must say. Googaro knows all about sleepless…