My birthday is in August and I thought I would do something special for all of you! Since you all love my camera giveaways I thought I would go ahead and start those but also add in something on BiCultural Kitchen as well as a little something extra. If you are going to go big…
When Faith Is Lost
You may have noticed around here that the Weekly Prayer Request and several other things have gone missing in the last couple of months. The truth is that recently I have had such a lost of faith. I write the straight forward educationally sort of posts but I haven’t been putting a whole lot of…
Christ Like Loving
Christ was an awesome example of love. He sacrificed himself fully for others. Even when the sacrifice was painful, sorrowful and without joy; Christ gave himself, including ultimately giving his own life so that others wouldn’t have to suffer. His sacrifice is a wonderful example of love, but how does the Christian of today measure…
It’s Futbol Time! #MiEquipoMiHerencia
Disclaimer: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. All opinions are 100% mine. I don’t know if you all know but the big summer futbol matches are currently underway. In my home that is a really big deal, I am talking take days off work kind of big deal. I admit…
Relax Outdoors with Brylane Home
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. As you all know I live in the South and we love to sit on the porch. Okay that is sort of…
Your Faith is Your Rock
Right now at this very moment, you are afraid. Fear, with deliberate and malicious intent to confuse you, positions eagerly to bring forth the feelings of conflict and desperation. Your thoughts collide as you feel this murmur of conflict and desperation that if allowed to build, will sing a non harmonic chorus that will become…
Let’s Ride! The Monster Factory USA
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. I must say that I am a little jealous of this amazing tent from The Monster Factory USA because I wish it…
Spanish Word of the Week: Covered
The word for this week is cubierto koo-byehr’-toh (adjective) which means covered. It is a really good word to know! Here are a couple of examples:
Book Review: Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign. However all opinions expressed are 100% my own. Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally by Jeff Landers is not a book I ever thought I would need to read much less want to read but the reality is that it is a necessary book for me. Jeff has done…
Deborah: The Prophetic Judge
Deborah’s story can be found in the book of Judges in chapters four and five. She is introduced in the fourth verse as a prophetess and the leader of Israel at that time. She was the wife of Lappidoth and the first woman judge. Deborah was a great decision maker and the people of Israel…