Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experiences with the product. Have you ever had water with caffeine in it? If not you are not alone as I have not ever had that…
Wordless Wednesday: Freezer
Wordless Wednesday: Bella!
Laura’s Journey to the Stars App
One thing I do with the kids every night is read to them. However I recently discovered Laura’s Journey to the Stars which is an app that has a story they adore. This cute story is about a little girl Laura who along with her little brother makes a journey to the stars one night…
Inspire: If You
Try it Tuesday: Velveeta Boxed Potatoes
We love potatoes here in our home! We do and as I was walking through the grocery store the other day I saw this box of potatoes and thought they would be a perfect fit for Crossroads Media Hub’s Try it Tuesday Link Up. Each Tuesday here I will bringing some new food, kitchen gadget,…
Movie Night with Kernel Season’s
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. What is movie night without popcorn? We love having popcorn and Kernel Season’s has helped us make movie night (and a few…
But I Don’t Need It
A few days ago I had a sudden urge to buy something. An item that I not only don’t need but can’t see myself needing it anytime soon (no it isn’t anything dirty…. Get your minds out of the gutter.) The urge to make this particular purchase was so great that I actually told my…
Spanish Word of the Week: Even
This week’s word is one that can be confused when it used with an accent mark. Aun ah-oon’ (adverb) which means even is a great word to know. However you must remember not to mistake “aun” for “aún”! With an accent mark, “aún” means “still.” Just remember that when it means “still,” “aún” has an…
Monday’s Menu {5/12/13}
So it is me and the twins the next couple of weeks so you are going to a huge chance in my meals. The twins eat baby food so they are taken care of. I will just be cooking for myself and I don’t always eat three meals a day. So I should apologize in…