Happy Mother’s Day! I hope that each and every one of you who are mothers are having a blessed and joyous day! My vacation started early and things have been going great! I am still doing a little bit of work since I started it a whole earlier than planned but no more than an…
Sunday Funday: Mother’s Day
I told you recently that Crossroads Media Hub has different link ups for different days. We are having a blast doing them and I do different one on different blogs each week. Sundays are Sunday Fundays and we each share things we are doing fun. Since you already know that we do big dinners and…
No is No!
One of the best words in the world is NO! Why? Well because it doesn’t matter if I am saying it to my children in English or in Spanish no is still no. I love that! I know it sounds trivial but sometimes knowing that a word is the same means I know they understand…
Sunday Dinners
At my house every Sunday we have a family dinner. It doesn’t matter where we have eaten all week or how busy we are we sit down to a meal together around the table on Sundays. For me it is special because as hard as I try to make sure we all eat together every meal…
Photojojo Says Goodbye Bad Mobile Pics
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. One thing that I hate about taking pictures on my mobile phone is how awful they turn out. The lens is small…
The Strength of Sarah
In the book of Genesis Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with Hagar so he may have a son. I am telling you now that I just don’t think I could have had that sort of strength. I know I wouldn’t have. Can you just imagine that?
Fantasy Friday: Mexico City
You all know that two of my children were born in Mexico and my husband is of course from Mexico as well. So this week I thought I would list Mexico City as my Fantasy Friday. I have never been there and to be honest I really would love to visit the place that half…
3 Weeks
The end of last year I told myself that this year would be better. It started out full of hope and there was a moment or two when things looked up. The truth is most of this year so far has been a struggle. So much for better.
Listening to the Storm
I am laying here in bed listening to this thunderstorm rage on outside. These storms have produced tornadoes in places, taken lives, and I can hear trees falling with every big gust of wind. The sound of that storm both scares and amazes me.
Angel Soft® with Fresh Lavender Scent and Giveaway!
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and the maker of Angel Soft®. However, all opinions expressed are my own. I know that you are all familiar with Angel Soft® but I bet you haven’t heard about their new product, Angel Soft® with Fresh Lavender Scent which will be…