Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for Latina Mom Bloggers on behalf of the Allstate Foundation and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Allstate Foundation “¡Vamos!” or “Let’s Go!” is the first ever national…
Photo Editors Like Fotor Make Life Easier
As a blogger I use a photo editor like Fotor everyday. I simply could not live with out. There are two that I use actually. One I use when I am online and have a photo I need to edit quickly. The other which is Fotor is actually on my desktop and I can work…
Crow Steals Fire Brings Meaning to Jewelry
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. Sometimes you come across a company that makes a product that just speaks to your heart. That was the case with Crow…
Monday’s Menu {5/5/14}
This week I sat down and did a little planning for my menu. I figured if I was going to share it with you all each week then I really needed to up my game a little bit. I also recently bought a membership to Once A Month Meals so that I have more time…
Moscato Ginger Margarita
Today is Cinco de Mayo! A day of celebration not only in Mexico but in many places now. When this amazing recipe came through my inbox I knew that I wanted to share it with you all. May 9th is May 9th is National Moscato Day, an annual holiday dedicated to enjoying the delicious wine varietal. So I thought…
The Power of Dreams
Ever have a dream that simply affected you? I remember having a dream of giving birth a few months after my first miscarriage.
Spanish Word of the Week: Stray
The word for this week is callejero kah-yeh-heh’-roh (adjective) which means of the street; stray. I tend to attract strays all the time, both pets and people.
Stop the Treadmill and JustGo Girl!
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored by the Role Mommy Writer’s Network and Just Go Girl. All opinions expressed are my own and all images have been provided for me to use. Okay I admit it I suffer from athletic leaks! Okay, Okay, I have leaky pipes and there are times when it…
Arris Gives Me Better Network Coverage
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. As a blogger I need wireless Internet at home. I not only use my desktop but I use a tablet and laptop…
You’re Doing Okay Mom!
Disclosure: This post is part of compensated campaign by Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. and The Motherhood. Opinions shared here are all my own, and I hope you enjoy them. Isn’t that what we want to hear most as mothers? Especially as new mothers because you find yourself questioning everything you do. Mother’s Day…