Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. You will remember a few days ago I told you about Blue Jean Bar Express(that post is here) and how wonderful they are?…
Traveling with Baby: On the Go with Boken
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. We are a fairly active family and I love walking and being out and about. One of the things that can be irritating…
Silver Moon Bay Makes Hospital Stays Stylish
Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. Is there anything worse than this rifle hospital gowns? I mean you get sick, have to go to the hospital, and then you…
Pictures at Funerals
wakingphotolife: / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND Do any if you take pictures at funerals? I do not and think it is so morbid. Now I realize that people enjoy doing that but those pictures just aren’t any that I would ever want to see again. I don’t understand this particular obsession and I never really…
Spanish Word of the Week: Distant
Another week and another word. Actually I am familiar with this word as it seems how my marriage has been for some time now. This week’s word is: lejano leh-hah’-no (adjective) which means distant, far-off. Now lets see it in a couple of examples:
Camera Giveaway at This Faithful Life
Guess what? I have a wonderful camera bundle giveaway going on right now over at This Faithful Life! Just click that link there and off you be!
Finding Me Giveaway
I have been a little behind lately but have been finding myself in the working on catching up. That is something that surprised me a lot. There are things that I always seem to put off because there are a million other things that need to be done and finding the time to do everything…
Getting on Track Giveaway
I have been working hard to get on track and get everything caught back up. When you have to take time off that you didn’t plan it can throw a monkey wrench in things. I will be able to be on the new schedule starting March so I have two more weeks full o f…
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests {2/16/14}
VinothChandar / Foter / CC BY Another week and another day of thanks and prayer requests. I try to write these before Sunday because I am going to be honest and tell you that I am rarely actually online on Sundays. I spend that time with my family and church. It is important to me…
Loving Kleenex Box in My Home Style
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Kleenex. However all opinions are 00% my own. We buy a lot of Kleenex around here, all year long. We use them for so many different things, in fact I even keep a box in the car. Over the years I have done a lot to make that…