[maxbutton id=”7″] I am forever in need of office supplies! That is one thing that running your own business means, you are the owner, office manager, supply person, everything! The thing with me though is that I want cute office supplies and while I succeed sometimes I never would have found such fabulous office supplies…
Wordless Wednesday: A Beautiful Sky
This beautiful sky all blue and pink was what I was greeted to the other night. I took Sassy out for a walk and saw all of this beauty and ran in to take a quick picture.
Build A Bear Workshop Brings The Smurfs!
You read my title correctly, Build A Bear Workshop is bringing the Smurfs! I admit that I have not seen the first Smurfs movie so I will have to watch it before I watch the second. Build A Bear however is something I am familiar with. I remember the very first time I went, it…
Canon Powershot G15 Giveaway from 42nd Street Photo
Welcome to the Canon Powershot G15 digital camera giveaway, we are so excited to share it with you as we team up with some wonderful bloggers! I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful group of bloggers! We all know too well that life flies by fast, especially when you have kids….
This BiCultural Life: Blending Foods
When you are trying to raise a family with two very different cultures blending foods together can get a bit tricky. For us because we are dealing with American and Mexican (with a big dash of French) spices tend to be our biggest issue.I have a stomach that, like many Americans. Simply is not designed…
Explaining death to kids
Explaining death to kids is not always an easy task. My aunt passed away a few months ago and telling the kids was hard and easy all at the same time. I remember when my father passed away and my nephews didn’t know right away. They were very young and my brother wasn’t sure how…
My Amazing Blowdry Secret
I have curly hair and drying it can be a bit difficult at times. I recently discovered My Amazing Blowdry Secret and I will tell you that it has managed to cut my blowdry time in half. This trio of products adds shine and gives me a really nice bounce using the Virgin Coconut Oil…
Fobie Friends Helps Kids Deal with Fear {Giveaway}
Fobie Friends is a series of books designed to help children work through their fears. As you read through the books your children can identify with the characters an you can talk with them about the fear and how to deal with it. This is actually a wonderful idea that I could not believe had not…
Weekly Prayer Requests {8/4/13}
When I first starting doing these weekly prayer requests I wasn’t sure if anyone really wanted them. However I am so glad that they have had such a positive response from everyone. If you are new here this is simply a way to ask for prayers for whatever you may need in your life at…
Scheduling Time with God
Scheduling time with God is not always been something that has been high in my list. I know that it is important but how and where was I going to fit that in. Not to mention there where time when I was not even sure if I believe in God anymore. Something told me or…