I live in the South with in the summer can only mean one thing……mosquitoes! I hate bugs and I hate bring outside where they are. I have used bug spray but that stuff is nasty and I wanted a way to get rid of mosquitoes or at least keep them away. I sometimes think they look…
PalmBeach Jewelry Review
You all know how much I live jewelry. PalmBeach Jewelry has so many different beautiful prices that picking one is not an easy task at all. Lucky for me they let me pick a few items. Although having to narrow it down was not the easiest task in the world but I think I did…
Shave on the Go With ShaveTech
When we travel I usually have to buy lots of this disposable razors. I hate those things but if I take the good ones they end up being left behind. ShaveTech helps me solve this problem with their USB Razor.
Neater Feeder Review and Giveaway
I have always had the hardest time with Sassy’s bowls. I am the worst about kicking them and everything spilling out. When I saw the Neater Feeder I knew it was something I needed.
Do Unto Others In Today’s World
We all know the verse: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The problem is how so you practice that in today world? Lets face it the world we live in is cruel at the best of times. We treat people the way we want to be treated but that back…
Riffsy: Great For Bloggers and NonBloggers Alike!
Riffsy is a new social media site where you can share your favorite videos online. The thing I love is that instead of having to embed the large video files into your blog or other website you can can use Riffsy’s quick and easy tool to capture your favorite part of the video!
Baby Buddy is a Life Saver! {Giveaway}
You all know how much I love finding fantastic baby products but I must say that Baby Buddy far exceeds my expectations. Products that not only work well but also make life easier are some that I have no problem recommending to everyone.
The Mustachifier
I have the privilege of checking lots of baby items over the years. Some have been cute while others were less than cute. However I must say that The Mustachifier is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. First let me tell you a little about what the Mustachifier is, to put it…
Breakfast at Home Makes Cents: General Mills Cereal Giveaway
Eating out takes more money than I can to spend that is why I am a firm believer that eating breakfast at home makes cents! Cereal, like those from Big G, cost less in the long run than it does to go out and have breakfast. For us going out for breakfast would mean having…
Food Friday: Homemade Gravy
My uncle makes the best homemade gravy. I have never been able to make it that well so when come to visit I always have him make some. This is his recipe that he gave me to share with all of you. He says that pork chops make the gravy but I am not so…