I am a list maker! I make lists for everything from what I need to do each day to what I need to pack when taking a trip. I really cannot help it, I think it is one of my OCD things. Most of my lists are pretty basic, written down on plain paper although…
“The Bible Experience” Opening Night Gala
I am loving The Bible series! Is anyone else watching it? Every Sunday night we are all glued to our television and even though you know the stories and what is going to happen I have found myself on the edge of my seat at times. I have even cried during some scenes, like when…
Shoplet.com Treasure Hunt
As a blogger and business woman I am always looking for business solutions that help makes things run smoothly. Finding these thing scan be life savers. Of course as a homeschooling mom I am always in need of office products as well. You would not believe how much paper and pens we go through a…
2 Red Hens Studio Diaper Bag is Fabulous! {#giveaway}
You all know how much I love bags and diaper bags are no exception to that. In fact I believe that a mom should carry a diaper bag that reflects their style and not the gender of their child. I always hate when I see bags that have baby’s name on them (for all the obvious reasons)…
Potty Training Tips from the Experts {#EveryFlush}
Recently I attended a teleconference with two potty training experts , Dr. Alberto Andres Cotton and Jeannette Kaplun {shown above} thanks to Pull-Ups and Latina Mom Bloggers. I really learned a lot and I want to share some of the tips with you but first let me give you a little background on Dr. Cotton…
Make Easter Memories with PAAS Easter Dyeing Kits and App
How many of you dye eggs for Easter? We do and have always used PAAS® Easter Egg Dyeing Kits. We even use the little cut-outs on the back of the PAAS boxes to hold the eggs. In fact it is the brand we have always used, or at least the only brand I can ever remember…
Through the Lens: Spring Canon EOS Rebel #Giveaway
So after a lot of thought I decided I would make the Canon EOS Rebel giveaway more of regular thing this year. I am going to do one each season which will average out to roughly four or five total. I want to give everyone a chance and I will tell you that this is really a…
Give Kids Lilapops For That Cough {#Giveaway}
When your kids have a cough the last thing want to do is give them a cough drop. You know that they are soothing but the thought that your child may choke on a cough drop is much scarier than their actual cough. That is where Lilapops come in at. I was thrilled when I…
Parrot MINIKIT Neo Handsfree Bluetooth for the Car!
When driving we all know that the last thing we should be doing is answering the phone. Most of us have Bluetooth that at the least goes into our ears. I have discovered a Bluetooth device that is so much more than your average. It is the Parrot MINIKIT Neo and let me tell you that I have completely fallen in…
Cocoa Joe Premium Drinking Chocolate
I am not the big coffee drinker in our home, I am the big hot chocolate drinker. For some reason I just love hot chocolate but finding the more adult version can be difficult. I usually end u buying the large can at the grocery store. I was very intrigued with Cocoa Joe when I came across them and…