Reconnecting……that is is the theme for this month. I don’t mean reconnecting with your internet connection, I mean with yourself, with your family, and with the world around you. Learning how to connect with your family is very important. It is something that I learned while I was away. Edgar and I connected in…
Something For Everyone
It has been a while since I have written anything about EdenFantasys. For those of you who have been following me for a while you know that I use to write regularly. Well I stopped for a while because I had most of the lingerie in my size from their site and I really didn’t…
Super WHY New Episodes
Super WHY rings in the New Year with four all-new literacy-powered episodes, premiering January 16-19, 2012 on PBS KIDS (check local listings)! Hang onto your hat and hold onto your seat as Super Why and the Super Readers hop into their Why Flyers for exciting time travel adventures! The reading buddies travel to the…
What to Wear Wednesday
This is a new series for this year that I thought I would do. While I am as far from a fashionista as they come I thought I would share my thoughts and some of my favorite outfits. Since I work from home and meet with clients rarely I am able to wear just about…
What Will You See In The Lens? Giveaway
I know a lot of you got new cameras for Christmas. I didn’t but thought I would reward myself and then I thought why not reward my readers? You have all been so wonderful to me and I want 2012 to be the year that you all connect with your families, yourselves, and…
Rawhide Brand Essence Chews
PLA Innovation of the Week: A better, safer, snack for dogs NEW YORK – Friday, 6th January 2011 – The ability to trace just where the ingredients for a food product came from is something quite new in the consumer packaged goods industry. Until recently, this wasn’t something done for dog snacks, but now is…
Tangled Ever After Clip
Here is a clip from Tangled Ever After, the new short film that is currently playing in front of Beauty and the Beast 3D
Goodbye Google Friend Connect
Beginning in March Google will be doing away with Google Friend Connect from all non-blogger blogs which means we will have to say goodbye. I hate that I have to start over from scratch with Google Plus but it seems to be the only alternative. So I thought I would go ahead and…
Eli’s Cheescake
Due all the crazy hosting issues I didn’t get this done and up before Christmas but I want to share with you an amazing product that we were able to try out. It was from Eli’s Cheesecake. I am a HUGE cheesecake lover, however I wasn’t always. I use to hate it, in fact I…
What I Learned
Taking the time off that I did during the holidays was very valuable for me. I learned so much, not only about myself but also about my family and this little blog. First and foremost I learned that it is okay to disconnect sometimes. I was so afraid that all of my readers would simply…