Today is my birthday. So while there is tons of work for me to do I will be taking the day off to enjoy it with my family. My children have baked me a cake and I have been plans. I hope that you all have a glorious day.
Zippity Doo's Review with Giveaway
It’s that time of the year again when children go back to school and bring home something that you do NOT want….HEAD LICE. I will never forget growing up the one time I had head lice. My mother didn’t even know what it was, my sister had gotten it and since we shared a bed…
Dancing on the Inside by Glen Strathy
Ever since her grandparents gave her a DVD of Swan Lake, twelve-year old Jenny Spark has wanted to be a dancer. But on her first day of ballet class, she suffers a panic attack and makes a horrifying discovery. She’s terrified of dancing in front of the other kids, and as for actually performing for…
Afternoon Tea with King Arthur Flour Basic Scone Mix with Giveaway
I have talked of my affair with Afternoon Tea off and on. In fact my daughter and I have tea together at least once a week. We break out the china and get dressed up and spend an hour pretending we are fine ladies at Bertram’s Hotel (from Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.) It is great…
Fashion Saverz Pink by ZiziBizy
How many of you have those darn deodorant or make up stains on your shirts? Don’t hate when that happens. I always hate when I put on a black dress or shirt and my white deodorant gets all over it. My friends over at Zizibizy have created a product just for such mishaps, it called…
Cabo Chips
You can only imagine the amount of tortilla chips that are eaten in my home. In fact most of the time I make my own from my mother in-law’s recipe. I was thrilled to try Cabo Chips though because I had heard good things about them. Of course i should say that this review was…
My Little Cupcake Pop Mold
As you all know I really enjoy baking! So when I came across My little Cupcake on Chic Execs I just had to pitch to them. I must tell you that these are so super cute. I wanted them for my daughter’s birthday but now that I have one I can see all sort uses…
Beautiful and Sexy
It has been a while since I updated everyone on the state of my marriage. Edgar and I have been working hard to get through everything this year and I must say I think we have. He still has to work from time to time out of town but I don’t worry as much as…
Saving JFK by:William Green
Year 2028. Emma and Ethan, two seventeen-year-old twins go beyond the limitations of time to find truth and justice. Who really killed President Kennedy in 1963? For the twins, the Chicago assassination was the bloody turning point in the downhill deterioration of USA democracy. They discover a secret Time Machine buried deep in an underground…
Peter Pauper Press Review with Giveaway
I love stationary! Bet you didn’t know that about me. Not many people do, when I was growing up I had so much my dad use to call me a paper hound. I always feel, however, that if you are going to have great stationery then you need a great pen to write on it….