Now through October 12, 2011, parents can help their kids, age six to 12 submit their creative sandwich recipes for a chance to win a $25,000 college fund. To mark the 10th Anniversary of the contest, this year’s Grand Prize Winner will also receive an additional $10,000 for educational products. A separate contest invites peanut…
New Counters with Giani Granite Paint
I HATE my counter tops! They are awful. Not to mention the fruit punch stain, but we don’t discuss that. Of course all of that was before I found Ginai Granite Paint. From Giani Granite Paint website: Thomas & English, Inc. was founded by Floyd Thomas, Sr. – our current CEO’s grandfather – and Bill…
Weightless Making Peace with Your Body by: Kate Wicker
There’s a wave of body dissatisfaction sweeping across society. While bookstore shelves are well-stocked with tomes on how to overcome body image problems, very few take a faith-based, much less Catholic, approach to self-healing. Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body speaks not only to those who may have faced an eating disorder, but also to…
The Adventures of Benjamin Skyhammer by: Nicole Sheldrake
Benjamin Skyhammer has more than his fair share of problems. He’s a magic-less outcast, he’s hiding a terrible secret from his best friend and the valuable Relic he found has been stolen. Just when he thinks things couldn’t get any worse, he discovers that the human species believes he’s a sorcerer bent on destroying their…
Trind: Moist and Shiny
I was sent the Trind: Moist and Shiny kit to use and review. The idea is that you use the kit for 14 days and have string, healthy nails. Now their site says Guaranteed but I am alwasy skeptical of anything that says guaranteed.
Farm Rich
I received a great Pres Release from Farm Rich that I wanted to share with all of you. Farm Rich is one of my favorite brands, I love their products and I love that my kids will eat them without question.
Baby Gourmet
A few weeks ago I received sample of Baby Gourmet to review. From The Baby Gourmet Site: As busy moms, we are determined not to compromise nutrition for convenience. We grew up with and love wholesome, flavorful food and think our babies deserve the same. Why feed them something we wouldn’t eat ourselves? With the…
Jamberry Nails Nail Shields Review with Giveaway
ABOUT JAMBERRY NAILS (from their website): Jamberry Nails started with three sisters. We created Jamberry Nails to provide a simple way to brighten your day. We constantly get letters and feedback from customers letting us know how much they love the product and how many compliments they get day after day. We know you’ll love…
Emjoi Micro-Pedi
The Emjoi Micro-Pedi is an innovative device that takes the chore out of at-home pedicures. This gentle, yet effective tool helps you create soft, smooth feet by buffing away callused skin with its unique rollers. Features & Benefits: Removes hardened, callused skin from feet in seconds Includes two different rollers for custom results: coarse…
Staying Cool with Flip Flop Wine
With temperatures up around 100 or higher it’s hard to stay cool. I, however, have found one way to keep cool. It’s by drinking Flip Flop Wine. If you will remember I reviewed their Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, and Riesling not long ago. They were huge hits. From Flip Flop Wines Site:While working at an…