Every year our tree has an angel on the top. Well except for this year as she no longer will attach to the tree. This angel joined our family decades ago when my father found her. We had one of those straight blue things with a ball at the end as our topper for many…
6 Things you Must do During your Sevierville Vacation
Are you obsessed with mountain towns and their charming beauty? If yes, then Sevierville is the place to be! One of the gateways to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, this little town boasts endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. Whether it’s fishing, hiking, biking, or simply appreciating nature’s beauty—there’s something for everyone here. From…
Tiny Tweaks to Give Your Rental a Fancy Vibe
It can be difficult to find the ideal rental unit, but once you’ve found one that meets your needs, it’s time to transform it into a chic and comfortable haven. Your home can be made into a sophisticated and elegant environment without breaking the bank or requiring a total renovation. In this post, we’ll look…
Understanding the Different Types of CBD Cartridges and Their Effects
When choosing a cartridge, be sure to read the ingredients. You want to look for products free from PG, VG, MCT oil, and additives like vitamin E acetate. It’s also important to consider the extraction method.
A Parent’s Guide: Understanding When to Consult a Child Psychologist
Navigating the complexities of child development can be a challenging task for parents. For one, each child is unique, and what might be a normal phase of growth in one child could be a sign of a deeper issue in another. And while understanding children’s typical milestones and behaviors is essential, recognizing when something may…
First Time Shaving | 25 Days of Me
Today I wanted to share my first time shaving story with y’all. Well, more like my first time using shaving cream because I didn’t use it prior to this. I first started shaving my legs at an older age than most girls I knew. At sixteen I figured it was more than time to start…
When Christmas is Awkward
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays but let’s be honest for a moment. Christmas can be awkward as all get out sometimes. I mean it’s the holiday where you meet new relatives, come face to face with the relatives that you hate or aren’t talking to at the moment, or worse. On top of…
Adapting Your Home for a Disability
There are loads of different types of disabilities and life can change in an instant. An accident can change your life, and it can mean that your home needs to change to adapt to your new circumstances. Before you can adapt your house, you have to determine what kind of disability you are adapting for….
My Favorite Bible Verse | 25 Days of Me
Here we are on day 11 of the 25 Days of Me and this one I’ve share before but thought I would tell those who don’t know me or are new around here. We all have a bible verse that we just love. There may be a reason behind it or maybe it just struck a chord…
Pfeffernuesse | 25 Days of Me
I posted this recipe originally back in 2012 and then updated it in 2021 but I thought i would share it again as these cookies are always so perfect during the holidays. These were my daddy’s favorite cookies and I never could pronoun the name right. I use to have to call him and ask…