When I was deciding what series I was going to start next the name Rebekah came to me while I was in there shower. When I looked her up in the bible I knew right then what I was going to write about this month. Now this series may run two months to cover everything.
The series we are starting is called Patience. Patience is something that some of us have, maybe we had it in the past but not so much now, and it is something that some of us need. That picture above is my nephew. He is six years old and he is sitting there waiting for his dad. He is just waiting eating his snacks while his dad loads up the Jeep and gets things ready to go. I love this picture of him because it shows what a truly amazing child he is.
I love my own children, don’t get me wrong, but they would never sit there that long. He sat like that for a good thirty minutes or so. This picture made me think that this is God probably wishes we all would be, patient. The truth is we are not but as we got through this series maybe we can all learn a little something from the amazing people in the bible and this amazing little boy.
My son would love sit still for that long either. I consider myself a pretty patient person but there is certainly room for growth.
He is okay with waiting for just about anything. It is funny because his dad took him fishing when he was two and he got impatience. My brother told him he had to be patient and his response was “My have no patient.”
This sounds like a great series. I think patience is something we can all work on. I think part of our problem is we are so used to everything being at our finger tips immediately now a days. Great picture of your nephew. My kids wouldn’t sit still for that long either.
I agree, we have gotten so use to things right now that we sometimes pass on the greatest gifts because we have to wait for them.
I think its great when a kid can sit patiently these days. Our society is used to clicking a button and things happen immediately…. kids need to learn to be patient.
It is great!
That is a sweet picture and a sweet boy. I agree that it’s a minor miracle to get a child to sit patiently anywhere. Patience is not my strong suit, to be perfectly honest. I tend to want things NOW. I look forward to the series.