- Abdulmajeed Al.mutawee || twitter.com/almutawee / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
That one line really says a lot doesn’t it? We all know that patience is a virtue but it is not something that we all have a grasp of. Right now I want you all to answer one question without thinking about it, a simple yes or no: Are you a patient person?
Many of us most likely answered no. Lets face it we are raising an entire generation of impatient people. We have been taught to expect things right away. If we want information it is at our fingertips We can go through a drive-thru and have something to eat in no time. How many times have you seen children throw themselves into the floor because they can’t have something right now or even you yourself got angry because you had to wait in a line?
In the bible though they could not. They had to wait for things, travel great distances and being patient of things.A trip could of taking months and when someone spent the night with you it could be for days or months. They worked hard and because of that hard work and hard way of life they learned to be patient. Their patience bred our impatience. I want you all to do something this week: Wait for something!
I know that sounds crazy but just wait (or have your children wait) maybe watch a movie and stop it before the end or wait to make that purchase. Hold out as long as you can then I want you to come back and tell us about the experience. Was it difficult? Did you learn anything about yourself?
I do consider myself a pretty patient person I do think that being around impatient people can really rub off on you though. I have waited for quite a few things in my life. I haven’t actually been through the exercise this week but I will at least attempt to be more aware of it.
I think I am more patient then a lot of people. Your words rang so true for me. I have stated the same thing many times.I think that is part of the problem with society today. They want things now and have no patience. I say it all the time to my kids. I think that is also why there is so little common courtesy in the world now a days.
I am a patient person in simple situations, such as when I’m at the grocery store and they run out of receipt tape while I’m in line. That stuff happens to me all the time and I think God allows it because He knows that I’ll likely handle it decently. I think I handle that stuff well because it’s not within my control and I know that. Where I have room to grow, in terms of being patient, is when something is frustrating, but I do have some limited control over it.