Patron Saints for Every Member of Your Family by Thomas J. Craughwell is a collection of patron saints for a variety of situations, family members and so on. The book is divided into eleven chapters so you can easily pinpoint the type of patron saint for the situation at hand.
I really enjoyed this book. While I was familiar with a large number of saints (we have a lot) there were several that I honestly had never even heard of. There are saints for everything from family members to ailments. There is even a saint for writers (St. Francis de Sales) and before you ask no he is not the same as the patron saint for animals. Taking a test? There is a saint to help you. This is a wonderful and fun reference book that will complete any collection.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Patron Saints. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.
I was reading back through some of your saint of the month posts, which I love & this caught my rye. My in-laws have this book and I was browsing through it last time we were at their house. So interesting to read about some of the saints, many of which I honestly had never even heard of!