Installment loans exist to help people out of unexpected and immediate financial emergencies. They are designed to be quick and easy, so that people can get on with their life again straight away. You only borrow the money short term, and pay it back in installments. These tend to be deducted automatically from your paycheck, until you have paid back both the loan principal and the interest. Your payments will be exactly the same each month, so you know exactly how much you have to budget for. You will usually also be able to access an online loan account so that you know exactly what payment is due and when, and how much longer you have until your loan is paid back.
Advantages of Installment Loans
The biggest advantage is that they are so easy to access. In fact, you can now find the best online installment loans through a very simple search. You log on to their website, apply for your loan and, so long as you meet the conditions, the money will be transferred to your account straight away. The entire process is completed online, which helps to save both time and money and even the environment as you don’t have to provide paper copies of everything. You will also be able to choose the repayment options while you apply for your loan. In many cases, they are extended in such a way that it suits your income and overall schedule.
When you need money in a hurry, the internet really is the best place to go. At the same time, however, you have to be a little bit careful. There are some unscrupulous companies out there who don’t intend to ever provide you with any money. Rather, they hope you complete all your financial details, after which they turn you down. But they then have your details, which means they can steal your identity as well. So do look into lender reviews before you start to apply.
Also, you will always have to meet some standard criteria. These include:
- Being at least 18 years old.
- Being a legal and permanent resident of this country.
- Having a registered address.
- Having a bank account with direct withdrawal facilities.
- Being permanently and full time employed.
- Earning at least $1,000 per month.
Generally speaking, if you meet those requirements, you will also be provided a loan, often without having to go through a credit check. This is one of the reasons why these loans are so popular with people with bad credit. In terms of repayment, you can expect to have to pay your loan in between five days and one year.
As you can see, the option is there for you to address any financial emergency you may be facing. However, you must always be aware of the risks you take by lending money. After all, even with the lowest interest rates, you will always end up paying back more than you actually borrowed. So, if you have difficulties now, you may also have difficulties when you have to pay it back.
I live in a small Georgia town that you most likely have never heard of and I LOVE it! My house is more than full as I am a single mother of four & caregiver to my aging mother and uncle. Lover of all things Outlander. Goes to the beat of her own drum woman.