When you have multiples you need to take around so much stuff you may consider taking a suitcase but you can carry everything you need in one bag if you find the right one. Pink Lining has the perfect Twins bag but they also have other bags that are just as cute. Not to mention their accessories and more because these are truly fabulous designer items!
From hand-stitching handbags for friends and colleagues in our basement flat in Bayswater (until my mother lent me her sewing machine which neither she, nor i had any idea how to use), then taking snapshots of them on the aforementioned flat’s front door and writing my own press release; to being stocked in Harrods and featured in Vogue and Tatler, all within 6months, (including 1 overnight stay at Heathrow airport lounge when I missed the plane to find our manufacturers which my husband Rufus Pearl- co-founder of Pink Lining luckily made, along with the original and only, 7 hand-stitched Pink Lining samples!) From hand tagging bags with willing friends, (paid in wine or champagne for larger orders), in-between breast-feeding my first daughter and sidling past more and more boxes of bags for stores in London, Paris , New York and Japan. Still from our 1 bedroom basement flat…
I received the Twins Bag in Multicolor Bows to review and the first thing I notice about this bag is its size. It honestly isn’t that much bigger than a standard diaper bag but once you open that thing up you see the genius in the design. You have your standard side pockets to put bottles or your key into. Open the bag up and you have all these wonderful goodies.
There is the changing pad with wet bag and then these wonderful insulated bags that Velcro into the diaper bag. How totally awesome is that? I can keep something cool (or warm) and not worry about it spilling everywhere inside the bag. Had that happen once and it was bad! The inside of this diaper bag is just so unbelievably fabulous. This is the only diaper bag you are ever going to need whether you have twins or not! It is the perfect hospital bag because of the room you have on the inside, it would be a great little overnight bag or even just your Mom bag.
This bag is one of those that you are going to find me using until it falls apart. Like I said Pink Lining has accessories but they also have gifts so if you are looking for a baby shower gift head over and find something that I promise you no one else will be giving.
I don’t have twins but love these! You got the suitcase point head on with me! my husband jokes me about how much stuff I cram into my diaper bag. Hey he has me put some of his stuff in it too! If I ever have another baby I will be adding this to my registry list first thing!
I like this bag because you can carry a lot of items for twins. I think that a lot of mother’s would love to carry these even if they did not have twins. You could take double the items for one baby. I will have to let my sister know about this bag!
These look so cute! And wow! Diaper bags are so much nicer than the choices I had when mine were babies!
What a cute diaper bag, I won’t be needing another diaper bag myself but this would make a great gift.
wow that is neat! I’ve never even thought about how when you have twins you need a bag to accommodate all the extras that go along with
Those are so cute. I love the outside design, and can see using this. I’m past all that, but I do give a ot of gifts for coworkers.
What a cute bag! Don’t have any kiddos, but this looks like it would be perfect for those who do…especially if they had twins. I know if we had twins, this would be the way to go.
Diana C
I love how cute the bags are, from the embroidery and canvas print on the outside to the colorful and sensible nylon on the inside! The attachable bags that Velcro in the bag seem like the best idea! The pockets seem plenty and big; lots of room to carry whatever is needed. Overall it looks very sturdy and something you can use daily without having it fall apart on you. Thanks for the review! I’ll have to keep Pink Lining as a place to find useful gifts for moms-to-be!
This sounds like a very nice diaper bag. It would be so handy to have a changing pad with wet bag . It would make it easy to change the diaper and to dispose of it until you get home. Unfortunately more and more places are not allowing you to dispose of your diapers in their trash cans now a days. This would make a great gift.
Totally loving the bag you got. So cute and spacious. I’ve been meaning to buy one for my friend as she just had a baby not too long ago. Thanks for sharing the site, I might just have to get something from there! (:
Love it ..Thanks for the review ..I dont have twins but I am going to have a Grand Daughter soon and I also have a 21 month old and it would be awesome to have a big bag to use … ( My Daughter goes to Collage so I will have the Baby all day)
I love how the bag keeps everything organized inside. Cute on the outside too!
I love diaper bags and this one is no exception. They are so much prettier and versatile than the ones I used. Thanks for the review. Vicki
Very cute bag and even if you didnt haave multiples it would keep things in oorder. I like how it looks so well constructed.
Like the bag: everything’s organized inside! So cute and comfortable!
I have not heard of a twins bag. THis is great. I know my friend and my brother in law both have twins and it has not been easy to find a good diaper bag. I will have to share about this one.
Love this colourful bag!!