Easter is this month and I am working on the plans and getting clothes and baskets ready for everyone! It is funny that the one holiday where we really don’t have to do a whole lot there is a ton to do. We have sunrise services at church and while I don’t do a big egg hunt for the kids I do try to do a few. The truth is dyeing a bunch of eggs that won’t get eaten doesn’t seem right to me.
So I just do a few and a simple basket for each of the kids. A little candy, maybe some books, and a couple of other things. I really try to keep the day to what it is suppose to be about…the Resurrection of Jesus. I leave their baskets on the back porch like the Easter Bunny delivered them but that is because my mother used to do the same for us.
I try to keep the day simple for both me and them. I don’t work at all that day and really try not to get online. We usually have a family dinner together and this year we will be short one person but I will do my best to make sure they don’t notice. Anything thing that we do is going around the table and share why we are grateful for Jesus and the sacrifice that he made for us. It’s so much fun to sit around and watch the kids do all the things that kids do. If the the weather is nice we spend the entire day outside just enjoying each other’s company.
Your plans sound very nice. I love the idea of the Easter baskets on the back porch. How cute! We do church in the morning.and then usually family brunch at my sisters house and family dinner at my house. Our day will be spent mostly around the table also. I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
I hope that you have a wonderful Easter as well. Ma used to do the baskets on the back porch and we would run to see if the Easter bunny had arrived.
Our youngest kids are teens now but that does NOT take away from the Easter Traditions. we still dye eggs, still do baskets and take pictures of kids with baskets. We go to the later service for Easter and then usually go to my sisters. She has outdoor Easter egg hunts (plastic eggs with treats). And now she has grandkids and we do too so is so fun to watch the little ones. It is usually good food and good fun, and since we dont go to church regularly, (my fault because of illness and hard mornings) the service means so much!
I know what you mean. Sometimes just spending time together as a family is the best part of the day.
I love Easter, getting together with the family is always so much fun, this year will be different, my Mom and 2 sisters will be away this year, they planned a trip to Holland and they leave right before Good Friday, it’s going to be different this year not having them, I’m sad about this
I am sorry but think of all the amazing pictures and stories they will have to tell you about Holland.
I don’t know what we are going to be doing yet except for going to church like we do every Sunday. There are some local Easter Egg hunts I plan to take my son to before Easter Sunday.
Well here I am online on Easter Sunday, babysitting my pork roast while the family plays outside. We’re mostly done with our formal observance, except for the dinner. I hope your Easter went well!