How would you like a bag that is part handbag, part diaper bag, and part bike bag? well that is just what Po Campo bags are. They are the bags that let you carry everything and then some. I have never in my life seen a bag that was so versatile and great. I can carry everything I need and then even strap this thing to my bike and still have everything I need right at my fingertips.
I received the Logan Tote in Feathers Coated Poly to review. I really love the color because it is bright and vibrant without being harsh on the eyes. The first thing you notice about this bag is that there are a lot of straps with it. The second thing is how sturdy this baby is, not to mention it is weather resistant. If something spills I just wipe it off with a damp cloth and that is that. No stain whatsoever!
As you can see I really can get everything in this bag.It comes with a great changing pad that fits on the inside or can be strapped to the outside which means you always have it handy. The pockets on either side is perfect for bottles while the smaller pocket on the back is great for my keys and phone.
As I said there is an assortment of straps that come with and are on this bag. You can slip in your yoga mat or even strap it to your bicycle and off you go. I also love that it can be strapped to a chair because when you are out in a restaurant you can have your diaper right within reach level for whatever may happen. No more digging under the table while baby screams! You really should check out all of Po Campo’s bags because they are great!!
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What is your favorite do it all bag?
Po Campo bags are really the bag that lets you can and do everything!…
— Rita(@ritareviews) January 15, 2013
I don’t really have a bag that can do everything I need it to. I’m usually carrying at least two, sometimes three bags – I look like a sherpa. Thanks for the review – these look nice. Love all the different pockets and compartments.
Very neat! I actually don’t have a bag that does it all i usually bring a diaper bag and my purse with me, I love this!
No kiddos yet, but I love the fact that this is weather resistant. I will have to keep this bag in mind for later.
Diana C