Promise Me Eternity centers around Simon Patterson, a neurosurgeon who likes to do experiments in his basement, his wife Helen who wishes Simon were bringing home more money, Patterson’s surgical assistant, his girlfriend Anita, Carlo Vucci – a mob boss, his wife Christine, a plastic surgeon who likes S&M, Patterson’s housekeeper, some cops, another neurosurgeon, a rabbit named Dorothy, and maybe one or two I forgot.
There are a lot of characters in this book which kind of put me off at first. Several of these characters are suspects in a murder, and Ian Fox does a great job of casting suspicion on them. He goes so far as to lead the reader to believe someone is guilty. However, a plethora of plot twists and some bad luck decisions bring the real murderer to light.
This story kept my interest. I wanted to find out who did it, and wanted to see Patterson be vindicated. If you enjoy the mystery and action genre then this is a book for you.