The day that the Potty Training Kit from Huggies Pull-Ups arrived I was not home but once I got there I knew something great had happened. You know when you walk into the house and it is so quiet you just get that sinking feeling? Well that is how it was. I quickly began calling out only to discover that everyone was in the bathroom staring. The kit surrounding them on the floor. My only guess is they were trying to decide what to use first.
The kit contained:
- 1 Huggies Pull-Ups Package for Girls (Minnie Mouse and Cinderella)
- 1 Package of Huggies Flushable Wipes
- 1 Disney Softee Toilet Seat for Girls with a Minnie Mouse Design
- 1 Package of “My First Celebration” Coloring Pages
- 3 Celebration Hats and Noise Makers
Minnie and Princesses, need I really say more? I knew things were working when a couple of things happened. First was a serious of two meltdowns. The first meltdown occurred when Grandma was using the kids bathroom. I mean what was she thinking? That is where the potty seat was and there is no way we can use my bathroom without it! The second meltdown occurred in Wal-Mart when I had to explain why it was simply too gross to carry the seat around with us and that Mags would have to use the regular potty like everyone else. The final clue that things were working was every time she came out of the bathroom she said “Where’s the hone?” Which means the phone.
She wanted the phone to get on the Big Kid App. Have you seen this awesome app yet? It is the best app ever! Pull-Ups Big Kid App allows you to give your child stars for every successful attempt and the more stars they get the more games it unlocks. And that’s not all, it there are also a fantastic 3D feature that features Mickey, Rapunzel, Buzz Lightyear or Minnie Mouse. We are currently using Pull-Ups at night and when we are out and about (and when Daddy is home alone-he thinks I don’t know) mostly because those times are when it is the hardest to hold. Pull-Ups come with a special design that is made to disappear whenever they are wet so we make a HUGE deal out of waking up with the design still there!
Learn More and Enter:
- Pull-Ups training pants; preferred size and gender
- Flushable wipes
- Disney softee toilet seat; preferred gender
Gosh that is tough With my son he LOVED aiming at fruit loops in the toilet, we would give him a color and tell him to aim for it, so it helped with his aim and colors lol… we are training my daughter right now and I could use the advice for training girls! 🙂
To prevent lots of clean up and headaches I have found that if I wait until my little one is ready potty training is much easier.
My tip is to have patience! When we potty trained my first grandson, the first few days were rough, but we kept a positive attitude and sure enough he caught on! Also, have rewards! He loved getting M&Ms!
Have a positive attitude, start potty training when your child is ready, take frequent trips to the potty, use incentives
My biggest tip is to wait until your child is ready.
Waiting until they are ready forcing them will only discourage them.
I put my daughter sit on it every half hour and if she pee I reward her.
be patient and reward your child
My best tip is to be patient, your child will train when they are ready
Offer rewards! My mother in law potty trained our now 6 year old (he is oldest) by giving him a penny for every time he used the restroom on his own! He was really excited about that and he was trained very quickly!
priscillavbenavides at yahoo dotcom
be patient and use rewards
Offer a small reward every time they go on the potty and have them pick out a “big kid present” to aim for when they are done with diapers for good
Wait till a child is ready… If they are not ready, nothing will work. Open door policy also helps 🙂
Be consistent. It takes time and not being consistent is so confusing for kids.
Patience and consistency is the key. We’re working on potty training right now and it is definitely a challenge! My first was much easier.
OH I would have to say patience!!!! We are trying to potty train Carter, and take trips to the potty about every hour. We even have some books by the potty chair to entice him to want to sit on it with hopes he will go while we are reading. Has worked really well! We are also using a sticker book and stickers!
make sure your child shows signs of being ready to be potty trained and is at the right age
Asking them constantly if they need to go to the potty.
Don’t rush it! I learned this the hard way with my oldest son! He didn’t become fully potty trained until he was three years old.
We always use a reward system.
Lots of praise.
You need to have a lot of patience! If it is just not working out, take a break and try again in a few days. Give lots of rewards!
You know when your child is ready to train when they take off their diaper and pee all around their room, when they should have been taking a nap! My Son seemed a litttle young (compared to sister) to start training, but that is when knew!
Well my son is 2 1/2 and I hope he will decide to start using the potty soon. Right now he doesn’t want to. He isn’t ready. I have tried to make it sound so fun and rewarding but he has no interest in it. So I guess the only advise I have is to wait until they are ready.