All fabric softners are the same right? Wrong! Most fabric softners can decrease your towels’ ability to absorb water, can make your children’s sleepwear less safe and reduce the effectiveness of your sportswear.
I didn’t know those thing either. I thought fabric softner was fabric softner. Now I know better. As a Purex Insider I was given the oppurtunity to try their new Purex Complete Crystals Softner. First this is not a liquid or a sheet. It’s little crystals. They are 92% natural, and are not oil-based. Sounds great right?
There are simply 2 things I love about Purex Complete Crystals. One is I don’t have to wait for the spin cycle to add it. I don’t have to pour it in the dispeasner on the machine (ever had one of those clog up?) I don’t have to put it in a little ball (if you use those things and clorox you better use a separate one for color. I found that out the hard way!) Purex Complete Crystals goes right into the machine with the washing powders or liquid. The second thing I love is the smell. It lasts for weeks. I line dry my clothes and depend on my fabric softner to keep them smelling clean, not like the yard. Purex Complete Crystals does just that.
{PROS} Easy to use, smells great. A little goes a long way.
{CONS} Don’t let hubby do the laundry. Too much and the smell can be overpowering( I told him not to pour a whole cup!)
{SHOP} You can buy Purex Complete Crystals at Wal-mart.
I use and love Purex Crystals softener. You are right that you just need a little. I have been using the Lavender scent.