If you have small children then have I got a Christmas gift must for you from Radio Flyer! Radio Flyer started in 1917 and I am sure that you all remember those red wagons. I remember every year around Christmas this little store near our house would put out the red Radio Flyer wagons and even though I was much to old to have one I secretly wanted one so badly. My first wagon was a Radio Flyer (a hand me down from my older brother) and the twins first wagon is also a Radio Flyer!
We received a 2-In-1 Journey Wagon and I must say that this is the Cadillac of wagons so to speak. It has two seats with seat belts with under seat storage. Thank God for the seat belts! It keeps them form jumping out which is something new with them. They jump out of anything anymore. The wagon also has four cup holders. While I admit I made fun of this at first (why would they need four?) I have discovered why they would need four! So THANK YOU Radio Flyer!
I did have to put the wagon together but it took me like three minutes and was no problem at all. The seats fold down which gives you that standard flat-bed wagon to be used and played with or in my case to help me get all the garbage out to the road. Don’t tell the twins though because I sure that would upset them. I keep it on the back porch and every time they happen to walk out there and see it they climb in because they need a ride.
Start Your Radio Flyer Tradition
You can purchase the 2-In-1 Journey Wagon on Amazon.com for $99.99 exclusively! Start your Radio Flyer tradition this year!
Wow.this brings back memories! We had a Radio Flyer wagon when we were kids (in the 60’s!) then my son had one in the 80’s. It’s time for a new generation to love Radio Flyer.
I know right! Christmas just doesn’t seem like Christmas without a Radio Flyer wagon.
You are so right! Every kids needs to have a Radio Flyer Wagon. I remember us having one as kids. We loved that wagon. I wish I had it still today. Radio Flyer is such great quality that they last for years and years! I really like how the seats fold down in the new models. These would be an awesome ift for any kid!
It really is great and just makes me feel like I am doing the right thing with the kids. Which sounds crazy since it is a toy but I have such fond memories of mine.
I love those fold down seats! We have an old metal on that I spray painted yellow and blue. It is definitely on of the kid’s favorite toys!
The fold down seats are great. IT allows the wagon to be used in so many different ways.
I’ve seen parents around with these at parades, fairs, pumpkin fests, etc. and thought to myself, “that’s a really good idea. I should get one of those!” I thought they would be more expensive. For under $100 at Amazon sounds like a steal.
This would be so perfect for my son for Christmas–he’d love it!
These are a MUST have!! I have one and its just great for walks with my babies!!!
This is a definite must have! We will be buying one this summer.