How many times do you need something on your shoulders when it rains? I hate when my purse gets wet because for whatever reason I didn’t manage to hold the umbrella over it as well and cloth purses suck when they get wet. Doesn’t that make me sound crazy? It is the truth though. RAINRAPS are a new innovative accessory for the fashion conscious consumer.
What RAINRAPS are essentially are alternatives to traditional raingear that is very stylish and easy to slip on and off. I received the Original Brown +Bronze RAINRAP and it is very stylish. I love that I can throw it on with my purse still on my shoulder and manage to not get soaked in the process. It handled really well in the rain and looks so stylish that I am getting my aunt one for her birthday.
The one thing I had wished mine had was a hood, that way I wouldn’t need an umbrella. After visiting the site I discover that there is a hooded version and colors are to die for. I think I am going to order one with a hood for myself as well. The hooded ones also have a travel pouch which perfect because you can toss it in your bag when they are calling for rain. If you are curious what stores you can find RAINRAPS in you can’t. You have to visit the site.
Very clever product almost like an updated poncho but way better looking!
Wow! I LOVE this! Taking a coat on and off is a hassle, and here in the south, it’s usually too hot even on a rainy day. Everyone knows that a rain poncho is the most effective way to go, but most of the ponchos are…to say it nicely…just not very stylish 🙂
The designers are from Virginia that is exactly why they designed the rainrap. It was too hot for a coat and this was the perfect solution. so glad you like them
Would love to own a RAINRAPS, especially one with a hood. This would be a great item for a giveaway.
While reading your review I was thinking I wish it had a hood, haha I love how cute this is and great idea on having its own travel pouch
I love the Navy and Avacado one with the hood! Id really use this and I know ALL my 4 daughters would love one too, even my 13 year old who BEGGED for a poncho a couple of years ago because they looked cool and comfy. These are Waaaaaaaay better!
Thanks for showing us!
I don’t think i would like this, because essentially you’re still getting wet and I have glasses so I think I prefer umbrellas, it’s a neat idea though.
These are super cute! I definitely agree with you about getting your purse wet because of holding the umbrella the wrong way – it would be nice to be able to cover the inside of my purse as well!
These are great! I would like the hooded one too 🙂
I don’t knwo where you live, but where I live wind generally accompanies rain. Or even a gentle breeze. Both blow the rainrap hood right off my head. Try holding it on, and your arm will get drenched. I love how the rainrap feels, love the colors, but the product is basically useless. And quite pricey.