The final day of random questions has arrived! Some of these I had to think on while others have been a pretty simple answer. I will say that these questions have been fun to answer. So lets go ahead and dive right into them.

What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year?
This year is almost over so I will answer this for a goal I would like to accomplish for next year. I would love to finally get this blog completely edited/updated as well as Storied Conversation. I keep putting it off and now it is a much bigger job than if I did it right away.
What’s one of your pet peeves?
I have so many! Here we go, and I should note these are because they have happened recently and I have wanted to strangle someone over them. First, my niece passes gas like ten men. That chick will ride in the car with you, let it happen, and then not only not say anything but not roll down the window either. I mean ROLL DOWN THE DANG WINDOW! Secondly, my uncle slurps when he eats anything. Even sandwiches and I just don’t know how that is even possible. Also, when you are in the waiting room at the hospital and there are those couches? Don’t sit in the middle taking up the entire couch. Other people need to sit down and are just as worried as you are.
This happened to me while trying to find a seat in the surgery waiting room. There are five couches and plenty of chairs. All of the chairs were full and most of the couches had people sitting right in the middle. Except one, that had a chick laying across it arguing with other people that she needed the phone charger plug there more than them. I just went back out to my car and sat there.
What’s the last song you’ve listened to?
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. It was just on the radio that I’m listening to as I sit here responding to these.
What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own?
My wedding dress, well the dress I wore for my wedding. It was custom made by a British fashion house years ago and a gift from my brother for me. It is still hanging in my closet because I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it. We got married at the court house and the dress is a cocktail dress but it is still beautiful.
What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without?
Lip balm! I don’t care if it is just in my pocket I have to have it. My lips dry out easily and I have to apply it several times a day. I don’t do flavors though, just plain.
What’s your best physical feature?
I think my legs are my best feature. They aren’t too fat nor are they too skinny. I look pretty great in a pair of shorts if I do say so myself.
What’s your Chinese sign?
My sign is a Dragon. I was born in 1976.
What’s your current obsession?
Monopoly Go. My brother and sister in-law had me join it and I can’t stop playing. I am so obsessed with staying ahead of my brother at all times.

What’s your dream car?
A Shelby Cobra and I am not talking about the mustang but a real one like in the picture above. The only way to get one now is at auction or to buy a kit and have it built. I want an original not a kit car. So, I will have to wait til I am rolling in the money and there is one at auction. Unless I get lucky and find a seller who doesn’t know the gem they have.
What’s your favorite animal?
A bear! I know most people would say a dog or cat but mine is a bear. There is no big reason either other than I like them.
What’s your favorite book?
The easier question here would be my least favorite books. There are so many that I enjoy and that I like. In fact, there are plenty that read again and again.
What’s your favorite colour?
There was a time that I would have said purple but I think that has changed as well. Now I would say it is blue.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Pecan pie although I don’t have it very often. I am the only one left at home that eats it so buying a whole pie is pointless.
What’s your favorite drink?
Soda if I’m being honest. Coca-cola is my favorite one but I am not that picky when it comes to them.
What’s your favorite food?
Fried chicken! I’m from the south and we have the best fried chicken in the country.
What’s your favorite foreign food?
That’s a toss up between tacos and honey chicken. I don’t have just one, I love food in general. As the size of my butt can attest.
What’s your favourite gadget?
I don’t really have a favorite gadget. Like I love my electric potato peeler but I still use the old fashioned one because I don’t have to put anything together when I use it. I love my iPad because of all the things I can do but I still enjoy my time without it or my cell phone.
What’s your favourite hobby?
Reading. I have always been the girl with her nose buried in a book.
What’s your favorite movie?
I have far too many to name.
What’s your favorite restaurant?
I actually don’t have a favorite. I like different ones for different reasons.
What’s your favorite sandwich?
Turkey with Munster cheese, Miracle Whip (nope I don’t really eat regular mayo) on lightly buttered toasted pumpernickel bread.
What’s your favorite season?
Fall with winter being a close second. I love that it is cold enough to need a jacket but not freezing.
What’s your favorite series?
This didn’t say if it was a book or television series. With books I always have so many that I love that we would be here all day with me naming them. Television I like Outlander, anything Miss Marple, Midsomer Murders. There are so many.
What’s your favorite snack?
Chips and dip. I’m a simple kind of girl and love to have some chips and dip.
What’s your favorite sport to watch?
None! I am not a huge sports fan. I will watch them when I have to but I usually have a book with me.
What’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
Pancakes with bacon.
What’s your full name?
This one seems a bit odd to post online so I will say that Rita is my nickname and Marie is my first name but that is as far as I’m going there.
What’s your longest relationship so far?
It was the one with my ex. It went on about five years longer than it needed to and that’s all the time I’m giving it this holiday season.
What’s your lucky number?
I don’t think I really have one.
What’s your star sign?
When is your birthday?
August 30th. Yep I am getting old.
Which city did you grow up in?
All over the place but we lived the longest in Georgia.
Which city do you live in now?
A small city in Georgia. At this point I am wondering about the blog I found these questions on. Some of them sound like hackers trying to get all my information.
Who do you miss right now?
My dad. I always miss him the most around the holidays because he loved them so much.
Who is your celebrity crush?
I’m not really sure at the moment. I have been so busy with other things that I haven;t really had time to have one.
Who’s your favorite fictional character?
How long do you have? Let me say this, typically it is whatever hero Lani Lynn Vale is writing about at the moment. Just pick up any of her books and you will know why.
These were fun answers! I got married in a courthouse wearing a cocktail dress, too. And fried chicken…yes, please!
I enjoyed reading these questions and responses. I love that car too.
Thanks for sharing, this was fun! I hear you on the lip balm. I live in the desert and must have no less than 15 of those things floating around my life.
I miss my dad too…
So fun reading these!!! I love tacos too.
I have an August birthday also. I’m from the south, Charleston, SC, I love fried chicken! I also drink sweet tea over cokes. I sew really well, and I have 3 daughters. I loved making them dresses growing up.