Reconnecting……that is is the theme for this month. I don’t mean reconnecting with your internet connection, I mean with yourself, with your family, and with the world around you. Learning how to connect with your family is very important. It is something that I learned while I was away. Edgar and I connected in that way that husbands and wives do when they first marry (No!! I’m not talking in that way..get your minds out of the gutters.) We were able to rediscover the reasons why we first fell in love. I spent plenty of time just staring at my wonderful husband.
I also reconnected with my children in fresh ways. I haven’t laughed so hard over the stupidest joke in a long time. We spent time making gingerbread houses, playing video games, and learning that they are growing into wonderful, smart people of their own. All the mistakes I thought I was making doesn’t really matter now. Each has their personality that I think I have overlooked in the past. I spent so much time thinking that they think and act the way we do, but the truth is they don’t.
This month I want you all to take some time to reconnect in one way or another with your family. Look at your husband or hug your child for no reason what so ever. Just make sure that they know that you love and appreciate them each and everyday. You never know when they may show you just how important you are to them. After all, like my son said “He is the one who will be picking out the home I will live in one day.”
I LOVE the picture!
In this hurry and scurry world we are in, so many people are spending more time looking down at phones and devices than looking up and into the eyes of those we love. We don’t connect often enough and feel something is missing. Most times what is missing is ourselves…
Its good to take time off!
Good theme for this month, we like to have a bit of snuggle time with each other, with reading a book, talk about school, play a little I spy game. I find that I can get the older kids to open up and talk more when they help me with folding laundry or another chore, brings us closer together.. laughing sure does breaks through a case of the grumpies.
Love the picture.
Good reminder! Using a Hide A Heart is a great facilitator for reconnecting. I know because our family has been playing Hide A Heart for years!
Awe. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to slow down once in awhile. Stop to smell the roses.