The holidays have been not only busy but a bit rough for me this year. I don’t know why but I am going to be honest and say I may need a month to recover from them. No really, I’m not kidding!! The kids are all running around playing with their Christmas toys as we speak and normally I would be telling them to use their inside voices as well as to clean up a bit but I am not. I am actually sitting here in my pajamas (yep) and doing a little bit of work not caring if they tear the house down.
Well maybe I do care a little bit if they tear the house down. We are actually going to go spend a couple of days at a friend’s cabin just to get away and recover from the stress of the holidays. The family holiday dinner was a success but after everything so close together I swear I am never hosting another one. I will gladly go to my brothers and do all of the cooking as long as he hosts the thing. It is so funny we spend so much time planning,shopping,organizing, and just getting ready for the holidays that we wear ourselves out.
Every year I tell myself that next year is going to be different but every year ends up being the same as last year. Next year though I am going to get through it stress free if it kills me. Which at this point seems likely! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and are recovering peacefully form all of the stresses that the holidays bring!
I know how you feel! Over now and back to routine!!!
I was done after Thanksgiving!!! I didn’t do a family Christmas dinner this year and it was so nice not spending all of Christmas day cooking.