Private jet flight sounds like a luxury reserved to presidents, football stars and Donald Trump. But the way we fly is evolving, and as in the 1920’s commercial flying was a luxury dream, the future seems to have in store for us the democratisation of private jet charter.
For business matters, private charter holds solutions to all inconveniences of commercial flights.
First of all, it is a substantial time saver for various reasons.
Time of departure is adapted to the needs of the passengers, and not vice-versa.
Commercial companies have pre-established airport destinations, and there are many airports which are either reserved for private jets, or not having enough traffic to justify direct flights. A private, customized flight will thus guarantee a straightforward flight route.
Another aspect of this way of travelling is the certainty of privacy, allowing business meetings or phone calls to be held with no worries about possible eavesdropping aboard the jet.
For businesses this option is like having a private office up in the air, with the amenities of a luxury space, high-quality and freshly prepared food, and accommodating service.
However, private jet travelling might be crossing the frontier to a new way of getting around for personal reasons. When well budgeted and organised, it can be a surprising solution for numerous families. Anyone that has experienced family trips can agree that it is no easy task to manage the check-in, the immigration process, and the odyssey through airport security whilst keeping an eye on the overly excited youngsters, the moody teenager that won’t take their headphones off, and helping granny to walk and carry all of her hand luggage, all this without going insane.
So why a private flight for a family vacation?
It allows flexibility in times of departure and arrival, eliminates the process of checking in the luggage and risking it getting lost along the way, guarantees comfort and good for the whole family, and the option to travel just as a group. Beyond this, travelling by private jet also is likely to minimise delays and ensure your safety – for example, you can be sure that the company through which you charter the plane will have all the correct equipment, from pitot covers to airport tugs and plenty of oxygen in case of emergency, on hand, and will do all they can to keep your flight running on time. Beyond this, private jet hire is typically paid by the hour of flight, so if you are a large enough group – 8 to 10 people are enough to fill a light jet, less expensive than a heavy jet – the hourly rate divided per person might end up costing less than a first class ticket of a commercial line. This is the advantage of hire vs. aircraft ownership.
The easiest thing about the whole experience is actually booking the flight. It can be booked for a flight a few hours later, or with ample advance, there is a wide range of prices according to the destination, the needs of the passengers and the quantity of people on board. And there are private aviation packages as well.
would love to travel this way if i could
Wow I’m surprised that it would be less than a first class ticket on a commercial flight….I would love to travel this way
That’s incredible, I would have never thought It to be that affordable. I have not ever experienced a family trip via airline, but I can just imagine! I know how much of a pain it was with just me and my son!
Oh, some day I will travel this way!
This is really incredible! I still find first class outrageously expensive, so it still seems kind of pricey to me! Maybe someday…
Well, what I saw was European currency rates?
WOW, how FUN it would be to charter a plane to go south for a family wedding coming up next year. 17 of us in our family now. OH mi gosh that would be so fun!
Did you see about doing helicopter charters too? How cool would THAT be to just DROP in? Getting a pilot’s license was always one of my dad’s and my dreams, but didnt happen. My husband always wanted to own a Helicopter. Not really a TON compared to decent car prices these days. We used to know people who went in halvsies with another family. They did fly all over the US but gave it up do to fuel and storage costs. I do think flight is going to change alot too! Hopefully for the good like you state, as it is horrible sometimes with delays, costs, no room, etc.
Wow! Really? It would never enter my mind to even think of a private jet. I had no idea that someone could just call and make arrangements. I guess I just thought that was reserved for celebrities.
This would be amazing to do. I would never have thought of it in a million years. This would be perfect for my family. My husband has back problems and my mother has asthma problems. Thank you so much for this post!! 🙂
Wow, I never thought to check on what a private plane would cost. Mainly I guess because I don’t think we would have enough people to split the cost, but I guess if you had enough people it would be worth checking into. Thank you for the idea and post.
If you knew a pilot who was going that way, it might not be a bad option. Personally I can’t see it being in the cards though as fuel and time quickly adds up. Nice post though.
This sounds like a great way to travel! I would love to travel on a Special Flight where you get there faster!
Good information! It would be amazing to fly one of these charter flights, but since I can’t even justify paying for first class, I certainly couldn’t justify the expense of a private charter flight.
I’ve never flown anywhere… my brother does all that… and I’ve heard a few stories from him about problems with connections and such…
this sounds like an interesting alternative… probably don’t loose your luggage either
Perhaps someday this will happen. It would really be nice.
very informative post!
Great post ..