Have you seen the trailer for Russell Crowe’s new movie Noah? I am really excited to see this movie and his take on this very important biblical person. I have noticed that there seems to be more and more big budget religious or bible themes movies lately.
Ever since The Bible I think Hollywood has remembered just how much the public enjoys those sort of movies. The Son of God is in theaters and another that I want to see. I enjoy these sort of movies. I remember growing up and watching movies like The Ten Commandments, The Robe, and Ben Hur among others.
At one time the film industry wasn’t afraid to tackle the subject of God. They got away from it in lieu of blood and gore. That drives me crazy about movies and shows. For example I watched the first season of Spartacus but after that I stopped. The storyline was great but I could have done without all the blood and sex. For me it took away from what the show was. Think back to the original movie there is maybe one or two love scenes and they don’t show much. However not having it didn’t take anything away from the movie. There is blood but it isn’t flying at the camera every time someone dies.
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Are you excited about the new movies?
I’m excited about the new movie, but I need to see if it has to much violence for my girls to see, I cannot wait for another bible movie!
We just saw the previews the other night and everyone looked so interested…it looked riveting, but then at the end my husband looked dejected a bit when seeing the title. He is not into “religious” movies. Obviously they made it exciting with lots of special effects. I am sure we would not go to the theater for it (we so rarely go to movies due to expense) but will def catch it on dvd when it comes to that. I do like some Russel Crowe!
I really want to see this movie. I think this is such an important story. I hope more studios take on religious films. I think there are people that will go see them regardless of their religion.
I really want to see Noah this looks like it will be an awesome movie. I wish Hollywood would make even more Bible based movies.
I head the director on NPR talking about the film. The Ark they built from the movie was constructed using the dimensions given in the Bible!
Wow I did not know that! I bet that thing was huge!