I admit it…I HATE doing laundry! I do, especially when my husband makes the mistake of buying powder detergent. That’s what I get for sending a man to the store. You have to turn on the water and wait for the detergent to dissolve because I have found that if you don’t you detergent all over your clothes and have to rewash them. So what is a woman to do? Use Robby Wash by Oransi instead! That sounds like an ad doesn’t? I didn’t mean for it to.
I am very mixed on this product I will be honest. I really want others to try it and tell me what you think. I am giveaway one away and would love to hear from the winner (more on that in a little while.) Robby Wash uses
unique technology incorporating macro-molecules (which are tiny ball/bead things) designed to be used in both cold and hot water. the idea is that you toss the Robby Wash ball in your washing machine and it goes to work cleaning your clothes and saving you money!
Key Features:
– Hypoallergenic and great choice as a baby laundry detergent cleaner or for someone with sensitive skin
– Cleans and protects your clothes
– Guards fabrics against oxidation and discoloration caused by chlorine in the water, and maintains your clothes’ springiness
– Eliminates unpleasant smells thanks to its antibacterial action
One Robby Wash will last a year and costs $32.95 so if you are like me and spend about $20 a month on laundry detergent you are spending roughly $240 a year. See the savings? When you visit the site you will see two Robby Wash balls. The Pink Robby Wash is intended for cooler temperature washes for advanced cleaning power on dark clothing and the Blue Robby Wash is intended for both cold and hot water washes and should be used on washes that will reach temperatures of 90F or above.
Well I used it and it worked. Honestly it did! My clothes were clean, it was simple to use, everything you would want in a laundry detergent. It even got out those underarm stains. You know the ones I’m talking about. They even smelled clean! Some “green” laundry cleaners don’t have that clean smell after you’ve used them. I’m mixed about it for a couple of reasons:
1.) I have used it so far for general laundry washing. I live in Georgia and as the year progresses my husband will end up with the wonderful Georgia red clay all over his work clothes. If it can get that out then it is the world’s best product!
2.) Will it really last a year?
So here is what I am going to do. I want to hear from all of you you have used it, my giveaway winner included! I am going to revisit this review and update over the course of the year.
{PROS} It works, is affordable,simple to use
{CONS} Still in the middle of checking all of these out.
{SHOP} Shop for Robby Wash
{WIN} Enter below to win one of your own.
ENDS August 12, 2011
<a href="http://rafl.es/enable-js">You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.
The first thought I had seeing this… Is I wonder if it’s safe on cloth diapers??
good point Jessa! I will have to get some and test it.
I signed up using my emillie(lastname)@gmail.com address
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com