In the book of Genesis Sarah overhears the angels telling Abraham that she will have a child within the year. She laughs and is then asked why she laughed. She laughed because she knew she was barren and couldn’t have children. It wasn’t that she didn’t have faith but she was logical and how could God give her something that her body just couldn’t do? We all have Sarah moments. Those moments when we think the impossible will never happen. We are after all human and logic dictates our lives at times. I wonder what Sarah thought when she found out she was pregnant. Did she remember that laugh?
She gave Isaac his name because it means laughter so she had to be thinking about that. I wonder if she got rid of any doubt about God that she ever had. I know that in that situation I would have or at least I hope I would have. Can you imagine finding out that the one thing you wanted the most in the world you got. Sarah had pretty much resigned herself to the fact that she was never going to have children. So much so that she gave her husband to another woman to bear a child with. She had already heard all the talking and the whispers about how she couldn’t have children much to the shame of her husband.
To be honest this is the situation that I would most likely be just like Sarah. If someone told me that my deeply secret prayer was going to be answered I would laugh. Even if it was God himself because I know that it will never be answered. I am logical. I try to remind myself that my Sarah moments may only be a stumbling block to God’s greater plan.
If we can remember that God is always faithful that would be great. But I know most of us me included forget that God has plans for his children plan to prosper us and not harm us. His plans are sometimes different from our plans which can be hard to reconcile.
If I was in a situation that was similar and I knew something was impossible, I am sure I would have laughed also. Sometimes I think we are to logical. I think we need to leave room for miracles. I am a very logical person but there are things in my life that can’t be explained in logical ways. Those are the things that I choose to believe are miracles are Gods wishes. I also think that sometimes we don’t get our deepest darkest wish because that is also God’s will. I don’t think we really understand his plan for us until we meet him.
If I actually heard angels communicating to my husband I *think* I would take it seriously! It is rare enough to hear them yourself!
When life and people have filled you with doubt it is hard to think of your wishes coming true. But a true miracle, I dont know, I just DO really beleive in them. We hear of absolute miracles taking place. Recently I have heard of a medical miracle with a friend’s daughter. She has been on Life Support after a horrible car accident. Doctors did a lifesaving “trick” to help a collapsed lung, in order to try and get that lung to 25% capacity….something they expected to be a lifelong condition if she survived. When they did the scan the next day, her lung was at 100%. The doctors said Divine Intervention. So many prayers for this child had been answered. I am not sure about God’s Will. I know I cannot explain the situation in my life…always wondered what I did to deserve disabling illness, but then who am I to question God’s Will? What if God were keeping me alive all these years just to see my children grown? That he knows they need me in their lives, even if not on my own terms?. If I heard of a miracle to be created that involved me, I would be doubtful, just because my faith is not as strong as it should be. But when I hear of other miracles that do take place on Earth, I fully beleive them. Not sure why I would not accept one for myself. In that case, I am ashamed to say I am one of those “I’ll beleive it when I see it” people. Which is completely against what Faith in God and His angels requires. “For we walk by faith, not by sight”.