Looking back over this week I have a lot to be thankful for. First of all I managed to get a little ahead in my work which means I will not be so rushed with things. I love when I get ahead because I feel like I can breathe. So I am thankful for that.
I am also thankful for my family. I have not been in the best place recently and there have been days when I have allowed little things that the kids have done really get on my nerves. Now with my new outlook I take more and more in stride. They are wonderful and knowing that they love me makes me the luckiest woman in the world.
I am thankful to have gotten through the week. I really feel like a nervous wreck to be honest. I have been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out some finances and that is always stressful. But tomorrow is another day!
I am thankful and praising God for his financial blessings this week. I am also thankful for my daughter getting some playing time in her games.
I’m thankful that I have a family that I can lean on in my times of need, I’ve been truly blessed with amazing parents a wonderful kind loving husband and great girls.
I am thankful for friends and family. I am also thankful to have gotten through the week, even though with the bad weather I have been feeling very under the weather.
I am thankful for my support group .. we got some shocking secondary diagnosis for my daughter and it was very hard to hear and read but I was able to turn to those who know what im going through.. they are like family!
I have had a rough week. I am thankful for my understanding husband and my family. I pray that things will improve soon. I have not been able to find work in my field and I really want to because I used to be able to help a lot of people, I miss that. I fear that I will have to find a job in another area but what? I worked hard in school to train to help others professionally. I have to admit, it has been hard to be thankful this week, but thank you for making me think of it. I needed it today.
Diana C
I am grateful for life and all the blessings I reveived thank my God for his love and mercy, thank you for my family and health!