I wanted to share with y’all a few of the amazing items that Mary & Martha have! If you aren’t familiar with them, Mary & Martha is a faith-based company where you create your own schedule, share inspirational products, earn income, & engage in community. It’s a truly great company and I love it!
Search Results for: business
Joining the Beauty and Wellness Industry: Know Your Options
The beauty & wellness industry is a multinational, multibillion dollar industry with numerous subsectors. In fact, multiple professionals from nearly every other industry are also directly or indirectly associated with the massive beauty and wellness business. However, we are going to focus on a few job roles that are not just directly connected to beauty…
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deciding on a Marketing Strategy
Before deciding on a marketing strategy, it is essential to consider the situation in which you are operating and the resources available to you. It is also important to ask yourself some key questions that will help shape your strategy, focus it on your target audience, and get the best results. This article will provide…
Retirement Fund Advice for Enjoying Your Golden Years
It’s never too late or too early to take on some retirement fund advice to secure a better future. But it can be overwhelming and challenging for some people. So, here are some of the main things you should be aware of when looking to save for your and your partner’s future together.
Work Vacation: How to Make the Most of Your Time Away From Work
Vacations are an excellent opportunity to relax, recharge, and enjoy a change of scenery. However, when juggling a demanding job and family obligations, it can be hard to make the most of your vacation time. Here are some tips for women who want to maximize their work vacations and return home feeling refreshed and energized.
The Skills You Need to Succeed as an Online Store Owner
An online store has the potential to generate a substantial income, and this is an appealing prospect for many entrepreneurs. However, to make sure your online business venture succeeds, it’s essential that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate a successful e-commerce store. This blog will explore some of the key skills you…
Bring the Spirit! 4 Events to Start That Can Bring Your Community Together
Learning to help your community is about bringing that community spirit! There are plenty of great ways for you to start bringing your community closer, whether it’s because you feel there are underrepresented aspects of the community or you feel that there’s been something severely lacking. Here are a few ideas to bring together a…
How to Stay Active and Productive When You’re Injured as a Veteran
As a veteran, you’ve likely been through a lot during your time in service. Unfortunately, injuries are all too common among service members, whether it’s a result of combat, training, or other factors. If you’ve been injured, you might feel like your life has been put on hold.
How to Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer: Tips to Help You Make an Informed Choice
It’s no secret that hiring a personal injury lawyer can be a daunting task. You may be dealing with the aftermath of a serious accident or injury, and you want to make sure you have the right legal representation. It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for the right lawyer to…
What Are the Advantages of Investing In New Office Furnishings?
The number of business establishments that recognize the worth of office and professional furnishings has recently increased. Without an ergonomic arrangement, you may feel more pain and fatigue than usual at work. And you will get the extra comfort at work that you deserve if you spend the money on office furniture like an ergonomic…