Carrie Ann Ryan’s WHISKEY AND LIES kicks off in January…but we couldn’t wait to share the trailer of the first book, WHISKEY SECRETS!
Search Results for: business
Customer Service
In a news article I recently heard they were discussing Black Friday and customer service. I don’t remember what channel but the guest made the remark that the old adage “The customer is always right” is outdated.
Planning Ahead: Tips for Surviving the Unexpected
If something is truly unexpected, then, by its very nature, you cannot plan for it. There are some things that happen in life that you didn’t even know were possible. Those events cannot be foreseen. Those are the real catastrophes that leave you devastated for a long time.
The more informed about the possibilities you are, the less likely you will be caught off guard. The fewer things that are truly unexpected, the more prepared you will be. Here are a few more tips for surviving the unexpected:
10 Questions To Ask When Buying A New Home
Buying a home at any time in your life is a huge commitment. This is why it is absolutely essential that you carry out the proper research before you sign on the dotted line and commit to a mortgage.
Guest/Sponsored Post Guidelines
Please read all the guidelines below BEFORE you submit your article. Rita Reviews is an eclectic blog with FOUR main categories: Blogging & Business Life & Family Product Reviews & Giveaways Southern While we accept a wide range of articles and are open to discussing any type of article that you have in mind we ask…
Chasing Christmas Pre-Order Blitz & Giveaway
Professional bull rider Chase Jarrett has the world by a string. The only blight in his idyllic existence is his nosy cousin’s nonstop nagging about his need for more publicity. Tired of listening to her suggestions, he gives her free rein when she hatches a plan to skyrocket his popularity. All he has to do is show up for a phony wedding in Las Vegas. Then Chase discovers the wedding was real, the surprise bride is beautiful, and his sponsors are demanding he remain married.
Overcoming Pitfalls as a Blogger
I have talked about various business aspects on the blog in the past including, blogging as a business. Today I want to talk with you about overcoming pitfalls as a blogger. Things are both similar and different for a blogger than a regular entrepreneur. They are similar in the respect that both are running a business and make no mistake about it blogging is a business.
Spin Your Salad with Crave Tools
How many of you use a salad spinner? We used to use one when I was younger but for some reason instilled as I got older. I’m not sure why but I can tell you that washing salad without one is for the birds. When Crave Tools asked to check out their salad spinner I didn’t think much of it. I thought this is going to be a useless gadget that I will end up giving away.
The Opal Blade Excerpt Reveal with Kristy Nicolle
Title: The Opal Blade Author: Kristy Nicolle Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance Editor: Jaimie Cordall Publication Date: Oct. 13, 2017 Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
My Mason Jar Monthly: Brings a Little South Home
My Mason Jar Monthly is a subscription box service that brings you a mason jar filled with beauty products each and every month.