There are easily more myths and misconceptions concerning penny stocks than virtually any other kind of stock or investment out there. Penny stocks have become more well known to the average American largely because of Timothy Sykes, who famously…
Search Results for: business
Estate Agent Speak Decoded!
Pexels Every job has its very own jargon and lingo that everyone in that industry or business can understand. For instance, if you sit in an office full of computer geeks coding various websites, I’m sure you won’t be able to understand a word that they say to one another! That’s because you won’t have…
Four Tips to Help Eliminate Your Tech Addiction
If you are like many smartphone or tablet owners, chances are you’ve checked your email, looked at a social media page or two, logged into your banking app to check your current bank balance and played a game or two — all within the last few minutes. While smartphones and tablets are amazing pieces of…
3 Things I Learned About Myself Through Blogging
I have been blogging since 2009 and I will tell you I have learned a lot about myself in all those years. A lot of what I have learned has come through the blogging that I do and the people who I connect with thanks to the amazing job that I have. I have been so blessed to have…
How to Get the Best Service from an Electrician
Hiring an electrician can be a little intimidating if you are not used to dealing with contractors or tradespeople. Even people who are generally handy with DIY often hire an outside contractor when it comes to serious electrical work (learn more on that) due to the risks associated with electricity. Having a few handy tips…
5 Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity
The creative minds of children are unbelievable. Their imaginations have no bounds and they come up with amazing ideas all the time. It’s smart to develop their creativity to help them build a brighter future. Our friends over at discuss 5 ways you can nurture the creativity of your kids.
3 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers
From a simple photo-sharing app, Instagram has evolved into an incredible social media powerhouse and has become an essential must-have for any smartphone. Today, millions of users post a variety of photos in overwhelming quantity and it is sometimes challenging to keep up. While the huge number of Instagram active users is a great opportunity…
9 Things to Consider Before Buying a New Home
A home is the most expensive purchase you will ever make. Nothing comes close unless you have a penchant for superyachts or Picassos. For this reason, buying property is not something you should rush into. Never buy a home on a whim. Unlike a pair of shoes, you can’t return a house to the vendor…
The Beginners Guide To Blogging: Where To Start
Image Source There are many reasons to get into blogging. Whether it’s a fun outlet to share your lifestyle with the world, a way of building up reputation in your field or a method of marketing your business, blogging has all kinds of personal perks. It can be a great service to others – a…
Blogging Your Way To Success
There are plenty of reasons why you might decide to start a blog. As a portion of your online business, to dive into your interests or even to simply rant. Blogging is good, it’s fun and it can be a job! Blogging? It’s basically sharing in a written form. You share what you see with…