Diva Girl Gloss is the perfect lip gloss! I loved how smooth it goes on and the colors are unbelievable. They really make your lips pop. since I am not a huge lipstick fan (I hate the way it feels on my lips) I wear glosses most of the time. diva Girl Gloss has just…
Search Results for: business
Before you Launch by: Ruchira Agrawal
If you have ever wanted to start your own business then Before You Launch Your Business: How to Decide if Being an Entrepreneur is For You by: Ruchira Agrawal is the book for you. The books gets you to look inside and then decide if being an entrepreneur is right for you. It is laid…
Kushyfoot Review
When you wear heels your feet pay the price. Since getting married and becoming a mom I stopped wearing heels as often because when your home all day you don’t have to wear them. now that I have my alex+von business I am getting back into the dressing more business like which means here comes…
Mommy Loves Review with Giveaway{CLOSED}
When I contacted Mommy Loves to ask if they would work with me I didn’t realize the wonderful treat I would be getting. In addition to getting two of their fabulous tees to review I was sent a copy of the founders new book. Say Bump and Take a Left How I Birthed a Baby…
From Proper to Rocker
I love finding new sites and great little companies. When I joined The Mom Pack I was hoping to meet and network with other women who are in business. What I found was better than I could have thought. I met Natasha Olsowski who is the owner of From Proper to Rocker. This is one…
Rosemary and Thyme: The Complete Collection
As you all know I love British movies and television. Acorn Media, who is one the best companies I have the pleasure of having a working relationship with, provided me with a detective series with a twist. Rosemary and Thyme: The Complete Collection was released by Acorn Media February 5, 2008. The 9-volume collector’s edition…
Dotmine Family Planner
You all know how hard a time I have of keeping my schedules straight. Well I was lucky enough to get the chance to review the Dotmine Family Planner in Green Bouquet. This planner is one of the best I have ever used. Short of having a personal assistant to tell me where to be…
Warmly Yours
Well the weather has finally started to heat up. However it does nothing for my feet while I sit here at this desk everday. However you all know me I searched and searched until I found the perfect solution. >” width=”236″> An Under Desk Heater by Warmly Yours.This is no so much a heater a heated…
Simply to Impress
I love stationary! If you don’t know that already I thought I would share it. Simply to Impress is a fabulous stationary and announcement site with plenty to choose from. Simply to impress does it all, well at least everything I would need. Their birth announcements are fresh and modern. While they do have the old standard…
Due Maternity Review with Giveaway{CLOSED}
Due Maternity is a maternity website that has a little of everything. That’s one of things I enjoyed about it. I was given a $50 gift code to review their site for them. That said, don’t think because I was given a gift code I would say I enjoyed a site. This was one thing…