Don’t you just love it? This is a super cute tank and the color is vibrant. The tank was sent to me by Girl Extra Ordinaire. A company who makes some of the cutest tops I have ever seen. Some of the tanks even have ribbons on the shoulder. This is their Girleo Collection which…
Search Results for: business
Exposed Envy
How many times do you wear a tank or spaghetti strap shirt only to have your bra straps show? For me that happens all the time. I hate it! However I am much too large to go without a bra and sometimes the strapless just don’t hold me up enough.
A New Way to Store Baby Food
Today a lot of moms make their own baby food. Not only that we are all looking for a way to stop using so much plastic. Well allow me to introduce you to Wean Green Glass Baby Food Cubes. I love these! They are small, uniformly shaped glass containers that are BPA, PVC, Phthalates, and…
Somersault Snacks Review and Giveaway
Somersault Snacks is great company who was wonderful enough to send me an assortment of their snacks to try out. Somersault Snacks are all baked with sunflower seeds and grains. They have more protein with half the fat of almonds. They are also nut free! The Santa Fe Salsa snacks are a blend of chili pepper, cilantro, jalapeno,…
Language of the Enemy
I’m not a big action movie fan but my husband is. So when I got the chance to review Language of the Enemy from MTI Home Video I thought, why not? Language of the Enemy is set in the Middle East (present day) around a Jewish American businessman, Romi Meir (Eion Bailey) who while traveling…
Russell & Hazel
I have tons of contacts. Personal ones, business ones, you name it I’ve most likely got it. Like most modern women I keep a contact list in my cell phone, and try to keep another in my computer. I hated having to open a program to look up a contact. And business cards! Don’t get…