Okay, not really! My sister in-law told me recently that she was starting her own business. Nothing big and fancy but something small. Then she went on to tell me all about the products she was going to sell. I wanted to laugh and yell at the same time. I had been thinking about the…
Search Results for: business
Plan B: Don’t Let Business Disasters Ruin Your Day
Everybody from business moguls to small company owners will tell you that when a disaster hits your enterprise, it can cause chaos, both practically and financially. That is why it is so crucial to have a plan for what to do when this does happen, a plan B if you will. Happily, you can find…
Year-End Business Mode
It is getting close to the end of the end and I am in full on year-end business mode. Everything for the year has to be closed out and I am left going through what worked, what didn’t and where all of the things I did over the year left me business wise. Outstanding bills…
How to Market Your Start-Up Business
Startups have it hard. Not only do you need to compete against larger companies for their customers, you also have to find a way to survive financially past the first year. You need to do everything right in order to succeed. Globalization and the internet have been both a boon and a source of failure…
Possible Business Needs
When you are starting your business, whether in Hackensack, New Jersey or anywhere else, you typically sit down and think of all of the things that you need. Sometimes you add in the things that you want. I know that is something that I did. I made a list of what I needed and a…
Business Mishaps
As most of you know I also work for my brother in his business. I am lucky in that I am able to work from home 98% of the time. I handle most of the office stuff as well as the technical computer stuff. Okay, I also have to tell them all how to get…
Women in Business
I was thinking today after talking with my mother and realized that during her generation there wasn’t very many women in business. I mean you had a few but they certainly did not generally run Fortune 500 companies the way that many of them do today.
3 Things I Had to Learn For Business That I Didn’t Already Know
I never thought much the business tools I would need to use or even learn when I first began blogging. Now all these years later I am a freelancer which has its own set of tools, but I am also the go-to geek chick for my brother’s company. By the go-to geek chick I mean…
How to Start a Home-Based Business
Home is where the heart is. It can also be where your business is too. Home-based businesses have greatly risen in popularity, making everyone and their mom wonder how they can make a living from the comfort of their home. Although many people like the stability and benefits that come with a regular full time…
5 Great Business Ideas for Military Veterans
When you leave the military, you don’t always have a full military pension to rely upon. It depends on the years of service as to what benefits you might receive. For disabled veterans, there is some monetary support there, but most feel the need to bring in additional income to help themselves or their family.