One thing that I am certainly working on in 2019 is my SEO. For those of you who don’t know what it is, SEO stands for search engine optimization. Sounds like something scientific doesn’t it? I’m sure that it does have a lot of science or at the least math in it. The biggest challenge for me has always been getting it right.
I struggle with that and have from the first day I began blogging and heard the term SEO. It took me a while to even figure out what it means. There are plenty of plugins that will help with that. In fact I have used them in the past. Then I had some issues and well I stopped.

I could always hire an agency but who is the best seo agency? I mean there are more than likely thousands if not hundreds of thousands of firms. I could spend months researching and trying to find one. Of course I could always thin the list out a little by making my search terms a little more specific such as hire an seo firm Toronto. That would give me a list of this in the city or a least in the area.
One thing that I know matters is not just if someone clicks on a link to my site but how long they stay on there as well. If a reader visits my site and leaves within a few seconds the powers that be take notice. I also know that I need to get better with keywords.
In the past I have never paid any attention to all of that because honestly I was just writing what I wanted. I didn’t care if the keyword was right or how many links it would get. I had something to share and I shared it. I still feel the same way about sharing but I know I need to fine tune things a bit more. It is something that I have been wanting to do for a while but didn’t have the nerve to do til now. I always second guessed myself.

For 2019 I know that my mobile loading and site will be important. I think that is actually the one area that I am pretty good on. I am planning on checking it out the first week of the new year and tweak anything that needs to be tweaked.
Featured Snippets on Google would be awesome as well. I am certain that won’t happen but you never know. I could have that one article that just takes off. I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery but a girl can dream.
The biggest thing to know about SEO is that while it is called search engine optimization it is actually optimization for the user. Case in point, when I changed to the theme you now see I got so much feedback. One of the most repeated comments and emails was how much faster things seemed to be. It looked better and loaded better. That meant user had a better experience. I loved getting that feedback. I love any feedback regardless of what it is. I sometimes miss things and it helps to have it pointed out to me.