Shattered Dreams; God’s Unexpected Path to Joy by: Larry Crabb is more than just a book to read. It’s a workbook as well that helps you find your path to joy. I love the way Crabb tells it like it is. His idea that we expect God to help us because he is good and want s to is fresh.
The truth is that we all suffer Shattered Dreams at one point or another in our lives. We all get angry with God and don’t understand why he doesn’t simply say you can have what you want. Mr.Crabb shows us the way to have the life we want with happiness without, first casting God aside and second depending on God for every small thing. He shows that we aren’t promised happiness and goodness here in this life but once we get to heaven.
My. Crabb also points out how we are accepting of those who have pain and misery as long as they say “My life is falling apart but I am accepting that God will change it and is working through the misery to help me.” and less understanding of those who simpley say they don’t see or feel God in the midst of their distress.