Disclosure: Rita Reviews received the mention products in order to facilitate my review. However all opinions are 100% my own.
We go through a lot of razors here in my home. I mean there is me, my mom, hubby, and my uncle all using razors, not to mention anyone who visits and needs one. The biggest problem is that I am cheap and forgetful. What that means in terms of razors is that about 85% of the time I buy the $1 pack of razors, when I remember to buy them. It is just an expense that I have a hard time with. Luckily, for me ShaveMOB had the wonderful bright idea of creating a service that provides high-quality mens’ and women’s razors delivered right to your door, conveniently and affordably whenever you need them.
When you subscribe to ShaveMOB you can select the razor of your choice (examples shown above) for as little as $2 and as expensive as $ 3.33 a month. So if I was to order my blade, the perfectionist, in a 6 month supply I would receive a handle and 12 cartridges for $23. The savings alone are more than worth it! If I was to buy 12 cartridges of a leading brand I would pay a good $40 or more. ShaveMOB would be enough razors to get through 6 months for both my mom and myself (she only shaves once or twice a week.) Not to mention they come straight to my door! Plus the products are sent to you through the mail in a recyclable container, you get a friendly email reminder when, according to their records, your supply would be getting low, and when you’re ready to re-order you have the option of saving a little money by skipping a new handle if you don’t need one!
Over the past few weeks I have been trying all the different blades and I must say I could not be happier. I have been using the basic $1 razor so I wasn’t expecting very much for the blades I received from ShaveMOB. However even their Practical which has only 3 blades worked very well. My mom actually loves them and has been using them much more than me. I really love the Perfectionist and I bet Edgar is loving it as well. Gone are the porcupine legs rubbing up against him in the bed! Plus I actually manage to get all the hairs instead of just a few. I mean who knew a few blade could make such a difference (just kidding
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Enter to Win
Enter below for your chance to win either a mens or ladies kit that contains 1 handle + 2 month supply of the 6-blade razor. Giveaway ENDS October 13, 2013 at 11:59 pm and is OPEN to US.
This giveaway has ended! TO see if you were the winner please check the Winner Board
I have been wanting to try these. I was afraid of the quality. Thank you for a review that made me feel good about saving tons of money on such a necessity. Thank you RitaReviews!!!! 🙂
OH! I like the Perfectionist the best. I’ve gotten so spoiled on the five blade, that I don’t know what I’d do with SIX! OMAHGOODNESS!
I like the Purist because it has 4 blades and a non-clogging flow-through blade design!
I’d like to try the Purist. Four blades is just about right.
I’d like to try the Purist. Four blades is just about right.
I would definitely like the perfectionist, I absolutley hate body hair and I find myself spending too much time trying to get a perfect shave with just three blades. I can’t imagine have 6 blades for 2 months, I would probably keep using the site.
I like the Purist razor. I don’t really need any more than 4 blades and I love that it has a strip with chamomile, olive oil, and all that. I also really like that it says it has a non-clogging design.
I would prefer the Purist. I find that the ones with more than 4 blades don’t work as well for me. Nice razor I think.
I like the Perfectionist as I think that 6 blades is better than 4 or less. I like that it has a lubricating strip as well.
The perfectionist, all the way! I like a super close shave.
I like the perfectionist, it is the one that closely resembles the one that i use the most.
I like the Perfectionist razor for women. I like that it has 6 blades and a non-slip handles.
I like the Purist because it has 4 blades and works just as well as the razors with more blades. Less blades to nick my legs. Most razors get me once in a while.
ignore this – I posted on the wrong page. Silly me!
i love the womans perfectionist razor perfect for me !
We just heard from Rita Reviews that Rebecca P. won the giveaway. Congrats Rebecca! We can’t wait to hear about your shaving experience. For everyone else who did not win, you can still try our razors an save even more at checkout with the code INTHEMOB. We appreciate everyone checking us out and please follow us on Facebook + Twitter for news, superb content, and more promotions!