Okay, not really! My sister in-law told me recently that she was starting her own business. Nothing big and fancy but something small. Then she went on to tell me all about the products she was going to sell. I wanted to laugh and yell at the same time. I had been thinking about the same thing. Well, sort of the same thing. Her ideas were a little different and involved way more work than mine. Not that mine were lazy ideas she just took it nine steps further. So what did I do?
I encouraged her and didn’t say anything about my idea. In fact, her going ahead with her idea allowed me to rethink mine and hone it a little more. I still have some work and I’m not looking for any sort of full-time thing or whatever. I just thought it would be nice to earn a little extra that I could put up for a rainy day. At least part of it. I should say, just in case my sister in-law is reading this, for her not to worry. I’m not upset or anything. You’re doing great and I’m a little jealous but we fine girl!

There is a lot of stuff that I am sure she hasn’t thought about. I don’t know if she is going to have her own shop in town or what she is planning on doing. I know she was meeting with a friend to talk about some installation or something. One of the things I do know is that she will be amazing.
Part of me really wants to tell y’all her plans but then I don’t know who she has told and who she hasn’t. So I am keeping quiet about it for now. When she has a better idea I will let y’all know.

For myself I am planning on refining my idea and making it much more niche oriented. I’m not going to share what it with you at this moment because I am still in the very early stages. There was a time when I would rush into telling you and then rush the business and have so much more work on my plate. One things I know for sure is that I won’t have to set up ff&e logistics because I will be selling online. If I win the lottery I may open an actual store. Who knows! I worked in a mall once a very long time ago and I know how long those hours can be.
AS you can see her “stealing” my business idea was a good thing for me. If she hadn’t I would be buried under a mountain of stuff trying to climb my way to the top and not succeeding. I can now take the months or even year I need to solidify my business plan. Test the products in the market and generally decide if this is the right path for me. If it is then I will open for business and feel great about it. I will know that I am in the right place at the right moment for myself and my family.