Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with the Niche Parent Network & Conference. All opinions are my own.
I am so glad that winter is finally behind us (fingers crossed and sorry if you still have snow) because this one seems to have been a long one. One thing about the winter is that I always seem to gain more weight and am always more depressed. I have the winter blues I guess, but now I am ready to begin shedding winter and springing into healthier living.
One thing that I did was purchase a treadmill for myself. Now it is a manual treadmill which means I have to do more work but for me at this moment it was the most cost effective option. I love getting outside but I wanted to exercise early in the mornings before the kids got up as well. I have doing it every morning for the last couple of days and let me tell you that my legs are feeling it but that is okay.
I wanted to get healthier this spring and have been researching weight loss programs because I want one that is going to work for me. I have of course began to eat much healthier than I have before. Even going so far as not having starches some nights because I feel less bloated. You all know how much i have struggled with my weight loss and this past winter with just everything I have really gotten out of control, like a bear hibernating I guess.
Finding the right weight loss tools for me has been very important and I am loving that the treadmill has begun to help me. I also take the kids and we get outside as much as we possibly can. If it not raining and is warm then we are outside in the afternoons. All of that has helped the winter blues find their home elsewhere. Not mention to begin getting rid of the winter weight that I packed on or my winter coat as my brother calls his. I have a way to go but this spring is going to be the spring that I get healthier and finally feel as though winter is completely gone. Not following into the next winter and the one after that and the one after that. Not mention that I am going to be more active than I have ever been before.
Good for you! I am glad you are doing something for you. I know how important your weight goal is to you. I had to laugh about your brother calling it your winter coat. We always say “we wintered well”. It’s our form of hibernation. 🙂
We had snow all day today. (where IS Spring?)
Getting outside as much as possible is a good antidote to the winter blues.
Good for you that you are taking charge. I know what you mean about winter weight. I am trying to take my son to the park and get some walking in while my son is having fun.
I’m also glad, well hopeful that winter is over, I want to start bike riding again and lose the 20lbs that I have gained since I started taking my meds, ughhh!
I feel the same way this winter was brutal and long I definitely wasn’t eating healthy or exercising much at all. I’m glad spring is finally here we started this weekend took the kids for a long walk boy are my legs feeling it.