I started a new daily work schedule for myself not so long ago. I began it in three parts. The biggest reason was because I was beginning to feel overwhelmed and needed to get more grounded.
First I decided that I would work on particular projects on particular days. Only focusing on one project or blog (for me since I manage several) allowed me to become more focused. I was in the moment, sort of. One thing I noticed was that when I was writing I had social media tabs open as well as email tabs. All of that caused me to be distracted and I ended up working longer than I needed to. So now I only ever have the email open that pertains to what I am working on at the moment. If there is no email with information for the article I am writing then nothing is open other than WordPress.
Once I became more focused I was able to get ahead and feel freer. I love my work but felt like I wasn’t doing enough. Then there is the guilt of not spending enough time with the kids, etc. So I changed how long I work. I work roughly 4 hours a day early in the morning. Although I do check emails on my mobile all day long and respond to blog comments via an app. I even have one day a week where all the kids are out of the house for a couple of hours and I can use that time for whatever I want.
I am much more productive, spend time with the kids and feel great about it all. Most of the guilt is now gone. My third and final part of the schedule is to begin getting better at my social media. I work hard at it but like most I need to do ore and will be working harder at that.
I think it sounds like your plan and new schedule is really coming together. I am sure your stress level is lower knowing you are succeeding with your schedule. That’s got to help in all areas of your life. I know all parents wish there was more hours in the day for both work and family. We all just do the best we can and it’s always a work in progress.
My stress level is lowering and I could not be happier about that. I tend to get so frantic about things.
So true, I’m the say way, when I decide to do my spring cleaning, I focus on one room and make myself stay in that room because I would go from one room to the next and at the end of the day be exhausted and not one room was done, focus on one thing and tackle task at hand..way more productive and the end result is peace instead of chaos
That is really all can do. There were days when I did so much but then felt like nothing got done at all.
That’s wonderful that you’ve figured out a way to spend more time with your family. Guilt is the worst! I agree completely with your observation about social media and distractions. It is really easy to get sucked into Facebook and Twitter and lose an hour (or more!)
Sometimes I get pulled in without realizing it and then an hour or two has gone by. I look up and it 2 pm and I am still in my pajamas.
I think it’s not just about shorten days but it’s more about being organized. You organized your work so well that it cost you a lesser time and you were also able to enjoy some free time. I think we all should take a time and should organize our work so we can get some time for our selves and our family.
Finding a system that worked for me helped and learning not to organize it to death. Not micromanaging every little thing has made me feel freer.
It sounds like you are really finding a solution that works best for you. I am so glad it is allowing you to have more time with your kids.