Here’s a nice cheery article for the happy readers of my blog! I’ve been doing some research, and I’ve found there are more home dangers than most people probably realize. Even if you do know that these types of issues exist you probably don’t take them all that seriously. But perhaps you should because each one that we’re going to talk about today could be life threatening. Here are some of the most dangerous problems that might already be present inside your home. Be warned, this article might make you ever so slightly paranoid about the safety of your family.
Mold Leads To Maggots
There are very few houses I have seen that don’t at least have a small problem with mold. You might have it in your home and think nothing of it. Do yourself a favor. Go around and examine the windows in your property. Are there any little black blotches on the wall or wood near the window. That my friend, is mold and it’s mostly harmless. However, if left to fester it can become quite toxic. Mold releases micro spores into the air that can affect your breathing and even damage your lungs. That’s why you need to hire a mold remediation team to deal with the issue, right away.
If you only have a small issue with mold, there are two solutions. You can either purchase a dehumidifier, or you can just wipe it up if and when it appears. A little disinfectant spray should do the trick. Be warned though it will keep coming back.
If it’s a larger problem, you may want to think about investing in the services of a mold removal team. These are the guys to call if mould is due to a leak or flooding in your home. Don’t forget, left untreated mold will eventually attract bugs and beasties including maggots.
There’s Something In The Water…
It’s called fluoride, and it’s also in your toothpaste. The chemical is quite dangerous if consumed in large quantities and has been linked to low IQ as well as the development of brain tumors. As such, you do need to be careful how much you drink. There are even brands of toothpaste now available to buy that don’t contain any fluoride at all. This should tell you how dangerous some people think it is. So why is it in our water? Well, it’s quite simple. The chemical is used to clean water and, ironically, make it safe to drink. You can skirt around the danger with a water filter. This should make it a lot safer to drink. It’s something to think about if you can’t get enough H2O.
Ancient Dangers
If you live in an old house you might have two other issues to contend with. There may well be lead paint on the wall and asbestos inside them. Both were still used by builders less than thirty years ago, and they can be deadly. Particularly, if you have children living in the home. You may not be aware that either of these problems are present in your property. The best way to find out is to arrange an inspection. If there is a problem, you can then get it quickly removed.
As you can see then, your home might not be quite as safe as you first thought. You might think this is just paranoia. But, there’s a thin line between paranoia and caution.
Mold can be bad, especially if it’s in a place you can’t see it until it’s a real problem, like in a wall. Another thing that worries me is radon. Prolonged exposure can actually cause lung cancer–very scary.
Yeah radon is pretty scary.
Those are very scary.